What makes P=NP so important?
P=NP and it's the relationship with computer simulations. People think that P=NP cannot be true because solving mathematical problems more complicated than inspecting them. As I wrote in the last writing, the inspection of the calculations is like calculating all used calculations backward. But every single mathematical problem is different, and even the formula is the same the numbers can be different, and the difference in numbers is making the difference in calculations.
In this simple example, we can use one of the simplest known mathematical formulas. Here you see, how the little thing makes difference in calculations.
1,1+2,1=3,2 ā 1+2=3
1,01+2,01=3,02 ā 1,1+2,1=3,2 ā 1+2+3
As you can see the small difference in numbers means a different answer, and that means every single formula must calculate. Sometimes there is introduced an idea that the answers for some formulae will store in the database. That will make the work of the microprocessor lighter, but the problem is that the time is released from the calculation would go for searching the database. And that means the benefit of those things is plus-minus zero.
If P=NP is true, the computer can calculate the time what the procedure like calculation or some other code requires to run. If we think that solving the calculation or operand can be so easy as inspecting them that thing would make it possible to make the revolutionary solutions for computer because the computer can predict the time, what the calculation or some other simulation requires.
And the fact is that the time for supercomputers is very reserved. So the time what is reserved for some duty are not probably matching with the time the simulation requires in real life. So when the predicted time doesn't match with real-time and real-life requirements, that thing causes problems.
The thing is that for every single calculation, what requires the new solution is the new calculation. Even if the formula is very good and well done, whenever some value is changing the system requires to make the calculations. When researchers require supercomputers, they want to solve very complicated and complex calculations by using an extremely complicated formula.
The paradox is that the more complicated simulations require a more complicated supercomputer. And the thing, that increases the need for more powerful computers is that the things like simulations of the protein interactions require precise knowledge of the actions of the single atoms in the very complicated entirety.
So the supercomputer missions are becoming more complex than ever before. The protein synthesis simulation is one of the most complicated simulations in the world because the axles and points where the protein is touching the other protein molecule are important. If the molecule goes in the ion pump the wrong way, that thing can make bad destruction in the cells.
This thing is called the cis-trans isomeric. That thing means that even if the protein molecule is perfect, it can operate the wrong way if it goes in the cell in the wrong direction. Even if the chemical formula of the protein is complete, the actions of the protein might be a mystery. And also the point, where the molecule goes in the cell is important. So that thing requires extremely complicated calculations.
Another thing is that in the scale of the cell the action of one single molecule and single atom is important. If we are thinking about quantum physics, and the multiple axles of the electrons, that kind of simulation are extremely complicated because if the atom has one electron loss, that means it would mean that the atom can turn a positive ion. If the atom would get one electron too much, that thing means that the atom turns a negative ion. That means that the tracks of those atoms are turning opposite. And in that case, the molecule can turn the wrong direction, and make damages to the cell organ.
Image: https://cdn.hswstatic.com/gif/what-is-the-worlds-fastest-supercomputer-used-for.jpg
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