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Stonehenge |
Could ancient druids have atom bombs? And could people build a time machine without electricity?
This thing would be one of the most interesting questions that I ever heard. The fact is that there is a possibility that in the canister would put lithium, and then the sunlight would target it. A theoretically large number of mirrors can make so intensive heat, that lithium fusion is possible.
So how this thing brought to my mind? Stonehenge could be a suitable place for that kind of thing, and if there are mirrors in the place of every stone of that stone ring, and they are aimed at one certain point that thing causes the intensive heat. So what if we would aim those solar rays to the hood, what is open at the downward. If the mirrors would aim at that object, that causes that the temperature will rise inside it, and then it starts to fly.
And if the mirrors or the focus points of the mirrors are forming the chain, that technology can raise the craft to very high. In this case, the mirror-groups are put in the lines, where their focus points can make the line. And if there is water inside our hypothetical flying machine that thing can make the craft flying.
But can the same thing cause the time dilation? If the massive energy load will aim at one target, there is a possibility, that it increases the mass of the system, that the time would start to travel slower. Theoretically is possible that people can make the time dilation by using mirrors. But return to the beginning point is impossible.
Theoretically, sunlight can use to make an electromagnetic black hole by targeting the sunlight in one point by using multiple mirrors. There is a possibility that the time traveler, who will travel to the future would just make another black hole in the future, and transmit data to the past by using the black hole pairs, what is oscillating with the same frequency, and the data would travel through the wormhole.
A document like papyrus can replace time traveler, where are the instructions to make the artificial wormhole. And then the people of the future can make that wormhole machine.
But this thing requires the existence of the wormhole, which is not proven. The synchronization of those black holes would be happening by using the crystals, which is making them oscillating with the same frequency. But this is only a theory, nothing more than a theory or game of thoughts.
Image: https://www.history.com/topics/british-history/stonehenge
The mysterious machine that is called "Die Glocke" (1)or as English "The Bell" raises terrible thoughts in the mind of people.
The Bell claimed to be a hoax. But sometimes I have thought that there is a possibility that the SS made "the Henge" in Poland by using Stonehenge as the model. Maybe it was planned to put in the "Hitler's Stonehenge"(2), and then the radiation would target that device.
Is the mysterious "Die Glocke" the hoax, what is created to cover the ion-based technology, which can be used to cut the electricity in the enemy area? That means that the microwave or ion system, what uses magnets, what rotating opposite sides can be installed in the aircraft, and aim to the electric wires. The ions or microwaves can shoot through the magnetic field, and that thing can cut the electricity in that area.
So is the Kecksburg UFO(3) the test of the electromagnetic weapon? And is "The Bell" the hoax project, what mission was to turn the Soviet interest away from the real things like electromagnetic weapons. There is introduced an idea that NASA created the electromagnetic drive(4) by using "The Bell" as the base. In an electromagnetic engine, the radio- or microwaves are used to give thrust to the rocket.
The work of the EM-drive is similar to the photon rocket, but the system uses radio waves for pushing the craft forward. So in EM-drive, the photons of the photon rocket are replaced by the electrons. And if we are thinking about how possible this engine is to work in real life, the thrust of the photon rocket is extremely low, but the specific impulse is the same as the speed of the light. If the photon engine would use in the rocket, the rocket must accelerate near the speed of light by using some other propellant, like antimatter. And the EM-drive would start to accelerate craft is 70-90%percent of the speed of the light.
What if "Die Glocke" will be true? Could it be some kind of nuclear weapon?
Is that the machine called "Die Glocke" is planned to use the mysterious structure called "The Henge" in Poland? The question is what this mysterious system's purpose was? Was it some kind of electromagnetic loudspeaker whose purpose was to brainwash people? Was it some kind of electromagnetic engine, what was planned to install in the V-2 rocket (5)?
Or was it some kind of nuclear weapon or flying machine? Or was it the time machine? The fact is that the same system might have multiple purposes. If that system would put in the V-2 rocket, where it would use the electricity, what was created by using the pumping system of the rocket, that thing would give the rocket more capacity than people can even think.
The fact is that there is planned that inside the hood of "the Bell" is opposite direction rotating magnets. And if the air would be ionized above the air canal, the magnetic system would put those ions rotating very fast, and the down aiming ions would start to push the system above the ground. But is the speed of the ions so fast that it can cause the time dilation? The time dilation is made by using the extremely fast orbiting ion cloud would be an interesting thing. But can "the Henge" give enough energy for that thing?
"The Bell" would hover above the vessel, what was filled with mercury, and then the Henge would start to rotate that thing. If the vessel would rotate that thing makes the parabolic layer by using mercury. That thing could raise it above the ground, but the question is, what was the purpose of this mysterious thing? This is the thing, what might someday open to us. Or maybe that thing is the mystery. Is the purpose of "The Henge" just to make nuclear fusion? Or is the question about something more terrible than we ever imagined. Or is it only a hoax what I hope it is.
(1) Die Glocke: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Glocke_(hoax)
(2) The Henge: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/mucholapka
(3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kecksburg_UFO_incident
(4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EmDrive
(4) https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2018/05/nasa-emdrive-impossible-physics-independent-tests-magnetic-space-science/
(5) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-2_rocket
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