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The Halloween posters by NASA
I will introduce the images of posters above this text from left to right, but I don't own the right for those images.
Image: https://www.space.com/nasa-spooky-halloween-space-posters-2020?utm_source=notification
1) "Dark matter"
At the most left poster is the topic "Dark matter". We know that there is something out there, but what that "something is"? The image shows a spider, what is on the "cosmic neural structure", and that thing has brought one idea to my mind.
Could there be bugs in the universe that are symbiosis with the giant fungus or the intelligent fungus-type neural network, what would infect those bugs, and turn them to zombie-servants for those brains? Those things are interesting to think about before we go to bed in the evening before we go to sleep.
2) "Cosmic graveyard"
In the middle is an artist's impression of the "Cosmic graveyard", and sometimes I have thought that is it possible, that planet, what lost all of it fissile isotopes looking like this? Could the meteorites and asteroids take the bites away off this that kind of zombie-planet?
The fact is that this kind of planets has no magma, and that means the impact craters of meteorite would not send magma except the magma what is forming in the impact to anywhere. The loss of volcanic activity and loss of magma causes that there is no magnetic field on those planets. And maybe some of them are looking like things, what we see on that poster.
The fact is that sooner or later the planet loses its life even it survives from nova or supernova eruption. The radioactive material that keeps its nucleus liquid will end someday. And that means the magma-layer of the planet will turn solid, and the geothermal energy production ends. That means the rotation of the nucleus of the planet ends, and the planet loses its magnetic field.
3) "Gamma-ray ghoul"
The most right image is the "Gamma-ray ghoul". The gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are things that might be dangerous. The energy in that phenomenon would be extremely high, but the diameter is very small, and the diameter of the GRB can be smaller than an atom. Sometimes the GRB has been introduced as an explanation for the ball lightning or the plasma ball. When the high energetic radiation burst hit the water drop, that would start to shine the light.
Can the GRB or gamma-ray burst cause the mysterious spontaneous fire phenomenon called spontaneous human combustion or SHC? Some SHC-cases might be caused by the high-temperature fire, like burning magnesium what was probably used for destroying the body after the homicide, or the person might just walk to the electric arc, what has caused that the person turns to ash immediately. But there is a possibility that the GRB is behind some of those cases.
And the GRB has been introduced as the reason for the mystic fire phenomenon, what the most horrible is SHC. In SHC, the human or some other thing starts to burn without outcoming reason. And if the GRB hits a person that thing can cause the energy of that thing will detonate the object immediately.
SHC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spontaneous_human_combustion
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