Do you believe people, who have extraordinary abilities?
The question above this text might be absurd because in places like a circus and Olympic games we are seeing people, who have extraordinary skills, or do you think that normal person can pull up almost 300 kilograms from the ground. This kind of thing needs very good and intensive exercise, and that is not the world record. The circus people and karatekas have also extraordinary skills because of very intensive practice, and also there are many more cases, that the person has created the extraordinary ability just by training, and that kind of skills, what so-called snake people what means extraordinary flexible person have are caused because of the intensive training, what have started in very young age.
But when we are thinking about psychic skills, we might think that those skills can be trained as well as the skills to control the body functions. This kind of skills is only trained concentration, where the person is trained or learned to find out the incoherences between the things what a person says and the physical evidence, what would find in the body.
One of the most usual examples of that kind of incoherences is that some fat person claims that the hobby of that person is sports, but the body looks a little bit different. Things like reading body language are also caused by training, and one of them is to follow things like touching nose while the inmate speaks, and another thing is that look in the eyes, and look for things like tears or cloudy cornea. Tears are meaning that something makes that person sad, and the cloudy cornea is the message of using the drugs.
The rubbing the nose is signal of a lie. The things that would the tears uncover is the close relationship for the victim of some accident. If the inmate would claim that there was nobody, who that person knew in the accident car, why that person is crying? Of course, that inmate can be upset, if he or she is the witness of the accident or help people out of the vehicle. But if that person is in the home about 100 kilometers away from the scene that thing feels a little bit interesting.
Things like soft hands are a usual thing for people, who are working in the offices, but if those people claim that they are making physical work, and the hands are soft, would that mean that there is some kind of disagreements between the evidence, and what that person says. That kind of things are of course very good skills in a poker table, and good poker players are observing the opponents face movements like smiling or changing the way to handle the cards.
That kind of skills has resulted in intensive training. But things like ESP, where a person uses electric vortex of the nervous system to read and influence other people willings are not shown scientifically. The idea of ESP is basing the theory, that the human nervous system can operate like radio transmitter or receiver, but can human adjust the neurons in the same frequency with other people is only theory.
Some scientists have claimed that some people can adjust their nervous system by using their muscles that it can receive the electric signals from the other people the nervous system is theoretically possible. But that means that the person must use the muscles for adjusting the length and form about the nerves, that they can receive the signals from other people nervous system.
The question above this text might be absurd because in places like a circus and Olympic games we are seeing people, who have extraordinary skills, or do you think that normal person can pull up almost 300 kilograms from the ground. This kind of thing needs very good and intensive exercise, and that is not the world record. The circus people and karatekas have also extraordinary skills because of very intensive practice, and also there are many more cases, that the person has created the extraordinary ability just by training, and that kind of skills, what so-called snake people what means extraordinary flexible person have are caused because of the intensive training, what have started in very young age.
But when we are thinking about psychic skills, we might think that those skills can be trained as well as the skills to control the body functions. This kind of skills is only trained concentration, where the person is trained or learned to find out the incoherences between the things what a person says and the physical evidence, what would find in the body.
One of the most usual examples of that kind of incoherences is that some fat person claims that the hobby of that person is sports, but the body looks a little bit different. Things like reading body language are also caused by training, and one of them is to follow things like touching nose while the inmate speaks, and another thing is that look in the eyes, and look for things like tears or cloudy cornea. Tears are meaning that something makes that person sad, and the cloudy cornea is the message of using the drugs.
The rubbing the nose is signal of a lie. The things that would the tears uncover is the close relationship for the victim of some accident. If the inmate would claim that there was nobody, who that person knew in the accident car, why that person is crying? Of course, that inmate can be upset, if he or she is the witness of the accident or help people out of the vehicle. But if that person is in the home about 100 kilometers away from the scene that thing feels a little bit interesting.
Things like soft hands are a usual thing for people, who are working in the offices, but if those people claim that they are making physical work, and the hands are soft, would that mean that there is some kind of disagreements between the evidence, and what that person says. That kind of things are of course very good skills in a poker table, and good poker players are observing the opponents face movements like smiling or changing the way to handle the cards.
That kind of skills has resulted in intensive training. But things like ESP, where a person uses electric vortex of the nervous system to read and influence other people willings are not shown scientifically. The idea of ESP is basing the theory, that the human nervous system can operate like radio transmitter or receiver, but can human adjust the neurons in the same frequency with other people is only theory.
Some scientists have claimed that some people can adjust their nervous system by using their muscles that it can receive the electric signals from the other people the nervous system is theoretically possible. But that means that the person must use the muscles for adjusting the length and form about the nerves, that they can receive the signals from other people nervous system.
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