The Neoplatonism is a dangerous thing in the head of the state
The Neoplatonism is the philosophical direction, what has the roots in Plato's writings about the state. The idea is that the state would be lead the wise men, who would not have to tolerate critics. And the thing, what makes this way of thinking dangerous is that the people must obey their masters without any critical word or questions, and the thing, why somebody thinks, that this is the best model of the state, is that in Plato's way of thinking the ruler of the state would not make mistakes, and the people are living for the state.
But the thing is that the question and criticisms are always important is that the thing, what Plato forgot to mention when he created the model of the ideal state. In this model the wise men, philosophers ruled the state, and they were protected by the military, and in the bottom of the society were helots or slaves. And the thing, what Plato should mention is, is it possible to rise in the stairs of the rank.
This means that every person would begin life as a slave, and then that person could rise as high as the willing or abilities like muscles and intelligence level would give an ability. The idea is that the person must rise in the rank by own work and abilities. And in the beginning, every person has the same changes. Those three levels of society have sometimes interpreted as the training system of the military men, and the slave level would be meant that the person would get enough physical strength for the military service, and the rise in the hierarchy would happen because of own merits.
But then somebody made the idea, that every person must be born on the level, and the level is stable. The person could not rise in the upper level, and the weapons justified the use of power in the society. But let's go back to Neoplatonism. The thing is that if the Neoplatonistic government would rule the nation, would there be very big problems. If the government would not listen to people, that thing can cause a very bad situation. And in cases like pollution and other kinds of things is possible that people would dump tons of sulfuric acid in some river because the government would say that is allowed.
In that kind of situations, that the question is about silent things like pollution or food production the Neoplatonistic government are in trouble. Those things like carbon dioxide leaking and releasing heavy metals like lead with poisonous chemical waste like PCB and nuclear waste in the lakes would be a very good reason to think, why people who are in the power should criticize things and think what they say. If some leader or boss would not even read, that is in the tank of some truck, would that person accidentally say, that the things, that is in the tank can dump in some lake. And then 2000 liters of oil or some cell toxins would pollute the entire water system.
One of the worst scenarios is that nuclear waste is dropped in the shallow lake, and some terrorists would find that thing in the bottom of the small water area. They can produce the "dirty bomb" by using that material, and the thing is that they need only the dynamite and the radioactive material would be put around that explosive, what would cause very bad radioactive pollution. This kind of pollution, what is made in purpose is very dangerous. And if the chemicals like PCB or Dioxide would be dumped in the water supply, would that cause a very bad threat for public security.
And these kinds of things are very bad scenarios for national security. Of course, the bodies that are buried in the Sibir are dangerous, because they can release the deadly organisms like Plague basils in the water. Or they can be used to get those organisms to the biological weapons laboratories, where they can multiply in cell cultures, where those bacteria can refine to stand more antibiotics by using those medical and ultraviolet lamps to destroy the bad items from the cell culture, what leaves only the strong individuals to live. This can make terrifying bacteria and viral populations, what history has ever seen. And if the medicines like antibiotics have been thrown to the ground, that thing can cause that the bacteria would refine as the resistant against the antibiotics. And this kind of things is very big but unseen threats to the environment.
The Neoplatonism is the philosophical direction, what has the roots in Plato's writings about the state. The idea is that the state would be lead the wise men, who would not have to tolerate critics. And the thing, what makes this way of thinking dangerous is that the people must obey their masters without any critical word or questions, and the thing, why somebody thinks, that this is the best model of the state, is that in Plato's way of thinking the ruler of the state would not make mistakes, and the people are living for the state.
But the thing is that the question and criticisms are always important is that the thing, what Plato forgot to mention when he created the model of the ideal state. In this model the wise men, philosophers ruled the state, and they were protected by the military, and in the bottom of the society were helots or slaves. And the thing, what Plato should mention is, is it possible to rise in the stairs of the rank.
This means that every person would begin life as a slave, and then that person could rise as high as the willing or abilities like muscles and intelligence level would give an ability. The idea is that the person must rise in the rank by own work and abilities. And in the beginning, every person has the same changes. Those three levels of society have sometimes interpreted as the training system of the military men, and the slave level would be meant that the person would get enough physical strength for the military service, and the rise in the hierarchy would happen because of own merits.
But then somebody made the idea, that every person must be born on the level, and the level is stable. The person could not rise in the upper level, and the weapons justified the use of power in the society. But let's go back to Neoplatonism. The thing is that if the Neoplatonistic government would rule the nation, would there be very big problems. If the government would not listen to people, that thing can cause a very bad situation. And in cases like pollution and other kinds of things is possible that people would dump tons of sulfuric acid in some river because the government would say that is allowed.
In that kind of situations, that the question is about silent things like pollution or food production the Neoplatonistic government are in trouble. Those things like carbon dioxide leaking and releasing heavy metals like lead with poisonous chemical waste like PCB and nuclear waste in the lakes would be a very good reason to think, why people who are in the power should criticize things and think what they say. If some leader or boss would not even read, that is in the tank of some truck, would that person accidentally say, that the things, that is in the tank can dump in some lake. And then 2000 liters of oil or some cell toxins would pollute the entire water system.
One of the worst scenarios is that nuclear waste is dropped in the shallow lake, and some terrorists would find that thing in the bottom of the small water area. They can produce the "dirty bomb" by using that material, and the thing is that they need only the dynamite and the radioactive material would be put around that explosive, what would cause very bad radioactive pollution. This kind of pollution, what is made in purpose is very dangerous. And if the chemicals like PCB or Dioxide would be dumped in the water supply, would that cause a very bad threat for public security.
And these kinds of things are very bad scenarios for national security. Of course, the bodies that are buried in the Sibir are dangerous, because they can release the deadly organisms like Plague basils in the water. Or they can be used to get those organisms to the biological weapons laboratories, where they can multiply in cell cultures, where those bacteria can refine to stand more antibiotics by using those medical and ultraviolet lamps to destroy the bad items from the cell culture, what leaves only the strong individuals to live. This can make terrifying bacteria and viral populations, what history has ever seen. And if the medicines like antibiotics have been thrown to the ground, that thing can cause that the bacteria would refine as the resistant against the antibiotics. And this kind of things is very big but unseen threats to the environment.
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