The short writing of the Holy Grail
Heinrich Himmler had strange ideas about occultism, and he was the man behind the strange facility, which is known as "the Giant". In that facility, the quartz crystals were targeted by the electromagnetic radiation, and the idea of these experiments was transferred the EEG-of the certain people to the crystals, and how effective those ideas were is unknown.
In theory, the thing works like that the crystal would transfer the EEG to the targeted person's nervous system. In some thoughts the crystal, what is frozen in superconducting temperature would allow storing the EEG in the same form, what it is stored. In this case, the crystal would act as a tape of the tape recorder and allow to transform the EEG to the nervous system of the targeted person. And if the electricity of the crystal is higher than the nervous system, would it start to oscillate or stimulate the nerves, and the target would transform the other person.
But as you see in theory the Holy Grail would allow bringing Jesus back to alive, and this kind of things fascinated ReichsfĆ¼hrer, who was playing with the idea, that if he would get the Holy Grail in his hand, would that give the ability to bring that thing in the "Giant", and target it with the electromagnetic radiation. We all know, that Himmler has addiction about religious merchandise and he was playing with an idea, that he could create Antichrist, what might be loyal to himself and his "Totenkopfring", what was very secretive part of Himmler's secret SS-organization, what was a mixture of occultism and science, what was served pure evilness.
The idea of this organization what is known also as "Hexen" was to create things how to brainwash people and the thing in this organization is, that its mission was to create the "most capable persons" to serve the ideology, what was responsible for many massacres in Europe, and somehow Himmler got the idea, that the Holy Grail was a creature like statue.
When we are thinking about this thing, we must think that something caused the thing in Himmler's mind, that he started to have a strong addiction to the mythical items. And this thing would cause the thoughts, that did somebody used things like the medical suggestion and hypnosis with electromagnetic radiation to Himmler himself?
This kind of things might be interesting to think about. When we are thinking the Holy Grail, we must realize that this mythical creature might be some kind of ritual or way to think. Maybe the Holy Grail is the artifact, what is existed only in the stories, or the way to think about things. But there is stories or theories, that maybe Himmler hides something, but there is no proof about that. That SS-leader committed suicide before execution and in the notes of this notorious person were no prove, that he had Grail in the hand.
Heinrich Himmler had strange ideas about occultism, and he was the man behind the strange facility, which is known as "the Giant". In that facility, the quartz crystals were targeted by the electromagnetic radiation, and the idea of these experiments was transferred the EEG-of the certain people to the crystals, and how effective those ideas were is unknown.
In theory, the thing works like that the crystal would transfer the EEG to the targeted person's nervous system. In some thoughts the crystal, what is frozen in superconducting temperature would allow storing the EEG in the same form, what it is stored. In this case, the crystal would act as a tape of the tape recorder and allow to transform the EEG to the nervous system of the targeted person. And if the electricity of the crystal is higher than the nervous system, would it start to oscillate or stimulate the nerves, and the target would transform the other person.
But as you see in theory the Holy Grail would allow bringing Jesus back to alive, and this kind of things fascinated ReichsfĆ¼hrer, who was playing with the idea, that if he would get the Holy Grail in his hand, would that give the ability to bring that thing in the "Giant", and target it with the electromagnetic radiation. We all know, that Himmler has addiction about religious merchandise and he was playing with an idea, that he could create Antichrist, what might be loyal to himself and his "Totenkopfring", what was very secretive part of Himmler's secret SS-organization, what was a mixture of occultism and science, what was served pure evilness.
The idea of this organization what is known also as "Hexen" was to create things how to brainwash people and the thing in this organization is, that its mission was to create the "most capable persons" to serve the ideology, what was responsible for many massacres in Europe, and somehow Himmler got the idea, that the Holy Grail was a creature like statue.
When we are thinking about this thing, we must think that something caused the thing in Himmler's mind, that he started to have a strong addiction to the mythical items. And this thing would cause the thoughts, that did somebody used things like the medical suggestion and hypnosis with electromagnetic radiation to Himmler himself?
This kind of things might be interesting to think about. When we are thinking the Holy Grail, we must realize that this mythical creature might be some kind of ritual or way to think. Maybe the Holy Grail is the artifact, what is existed only in the stories, or the way to think about things. But there is stories or theories, that maybe Himmler hides something, but there is no proof about that. That SS-leader committed suicide before execution and in the notes of this notorious person were no prove, that he had Grail in the hand.
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