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Operation "Magnet" and the thoughts about radicalism

Operation "Magnet"  and the thoughts about radicalism

Operation "Magnet" is actually the tracking project of the national security, and the prime mission of this project is to track the persons, who are a risk for public and national security. Those persons are profiled to be the members of the radical political movements or somehow mentally disturbed.  The way how the national security officials are operating in this kind of case is that they want to find the "seriously taken members" of the unwanted political movements, what are violent groups from the right wing to left wing radicalism, what is sometimes masked as the religious or ethnic violence.

The Idea of this kind of action is simple. To those persons are sold the merchandise, what can have meaning to the Nazis or some kind of organizations, and that merchandise consists of the Blood cross and another kind of things. And the prize of that merchandise is quite high, that that stuff would not be bought for fun. Also on the Internet is homepages, where you can buy illegal weapons and discussion groups, where those people are allowed to speak freely about their political opinions. When we are thinking about the way, how radical movements recruit the members, they normally offer freedom, as Lenin did in Russia 1917.

The Bolsheviks promised freedom of religion and other kinds of things, but the fact is, that the atheism took the place of religion, what was "opium to the people", but the fact is that the communists replaced the church by their own version of religion, and in fact, atheism is also one version of the religion.  When we are thinking about the radicalism, things like religion are a very good tool in the hands of provocateurs, and if the movement operates underground, it would be a good environment for the political provocateurs, who would give the simple explanations and solutions for everything.

And the simple solution, what that kind of people offer, is making the military forces powerful. That means the good work for the person, who wants to stand in the border station with an assault rifle. And this would give change to make the nation proud. The persons who are members of ethnic minority groups are very good targets for propaganda, and the thing is that this kind of propaganda and blaming makes people of those groups good target for radical recruiters, who promise them the place in heaven if they are dying as martyrs.

Those persons, who are supporting the radical movements are normally looking for the thing, what is called as "average person". They are offering something to the great number of people, and the worst thing, what they can face is the criticism. Nobody is allowed to criticize the decisions, what the leaders of the nation have made, and that means that everybody, who dares to say something against the leader's will is publically crucified. And the thing about the studies is to teach people a critical way to think about things.

The critical way to think is that people should be suspicious about the motivation and motives of political leaders and everybody else, who claims to have contact with UFO:s or the leaders of the nation. The criticism is an easy thing when somebody is telling stories about UFO:s and another kind of things. But when somebody is selling merchandise by using the children or handicap people like the cover, that thing would not be so easy. When some criminal organizations will send the gifts to the child caring institutes, they might look for the persons, who are good targets for recruiters.

And at first, those organizations would recognize those children by using those toys as the mark. Then they would offer the membership of some group, and at first, those organizations seem like the groups of freedom, but then the road will go to normal crimes like drug and gun dealing and street violence. When somebody would sell merchandise by using the children or some other poor person, would that be a good place to think, "have I seen those merchandise in somewhere else?".

And the other question would be that does there be some other members of that kind of organization, and do they get the same stuff, what this particular member would get? That kind of places is a good way to collect the account numbers by using that kind of merchandise in that purpose. This is one way to think, and the best way to support that kind of things is to leave the schools and go to the street gangs, and the threat is the thing that supports gun dealers and violent organizations.

Fear of violence makes people buy weapons, and then the spiral to ultimate violence is ready because the guns give wrong way self-esteem, and that thing causes sometimes that the people are starting to be more aggressive and also they dare to yell to their neighbors because the gun gives very good spine. And of course, the hobby gives very much friends, who are talking things, and in that group will rise the new kind of self-esteem because those people are finding the new enemy what are outsiders. Those people are everybody, who are not members of the group.

This very well seems in the gangs, what use marks. And this makes the rise of radicalism because in the first the members of the group are starting to tell others that some area belongs to them. This causes problems, because the city area is paid from the taxpayer's money, and everybody has the right to hang in public places.

Which means that there would be conflicts between the gangs, and then somebody starts to rage to outsiders with a gun. And the spiral of revenge is ready. Those gangs, what uses uniforms like vests with the texts in the back would support their members, and if there is a conflict between gang member and outsiders, the other members of the gang are supporting that person. The texts and other gang symbols have been used to map the gang members of the violent groups, and especially the leaders of that gang because the insignia must be ordered from somewhere, and if the gang members are ordering that insignia and ammunition or guns from the post selling, that would uncover them.

Or they are paying the bills for the membership of "club". And the thing is that high-rank member of the gangs have always great support, but the lower rank members have sometimes difficulties in that thing. This causes hate and revenge in the gangs. The things, what are self-evidence for the leaders of the gangs are not belonging to the low-rank members causes a schism between the members of the groups.


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