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When the tool of ultimate freedom became the tool for ultimate surveillance

When the tool of ultimate freedom became the tool for ultimate surveillance

The internet is the ultimate tool for many purposes, like remote-controlling the machines, and also tracking for people. Modern mobile telephones with social media applications are effective surveillance tools themselves. And things like surveillance cameras and artificial intelligence are uncovering things like ethnic profiling very easily. That kind of system is seeing, are some people like security guards walking behind some certain type of people. And that thing is connected to with things, what is called as the prevention of crimes. But there is also shadow in this kind of bright new technology. 

When we are thinking about artificial intelligence it can pick certain words from social media and bring things, what the surveillance operator would want very easily on the screens of those operators, and this makes surveillance more effective than ever before. When we are thinking about the components of the 5G-network, those systems might have the "shadow protocol", which means that the deliverer of the system can surveillance targets also, when they are at the foreign land. 

Artificial intelligence is an effective tool for surveillance operations. 

The difference between the artificial intelligence-based systems and analogical systems is that artificial intelligence can effectively process the information. That means that the effective computer-based network can follow even billions of targets, and also the system can use sound detectors, and the systems can compare the voices of the people, who are near the telephone, what are under the surveillance. 

This means that those telephones can collect information about political and other opinions effectively. That kind of system doesn't need human operators in those processes, and this makes it dangerous. And the thing is that if the surveillance is made by law enforcement or other official authorities, they can order people to carry mobile telephones. If the person who is in a foreign land would not carry the mobile telephone all the time, that might mean that our main character would be called back.

Surveillance that is made by using neural networks is effective, but if the surveillance gets a lawsuit for that kind of thing, that makes possible to control every movement of those people. And this is the thing, that is causing discussions about data handling and computing. 

The thing is that private contractors are collecting data from the network is also causing problems with the security of the people. If private contractors are allowed to make psychological profiles and collect data of the net user's actions in the net, that allows also that the other countries' security services are getting data, which is not meant to get in their hands. 

Physical robots can use remote-controlled men and the remote controller can use them as the "external bodies", which means that they can use social media from another side of the earth. And this denies that the security program detects that the computer is in the remote-controlled. 

The thing is that the foreign security service can establish the marketing company in the other land. Then that marketing office can collect data from social media, and things like remote-use of the computers allow them to operate social media accounts from the opposite side of the world. And also the modern robotics is allowed to hide the remote control from the surveillance tools. 

That means that the person, who is working with a remote-operated computer can simply use datagloves and control the robot, which is connected to a different network. In this scenario, the vision is that the physical robot can operate as a remote-controlled person and use the computer, what locates in the private building. That robot can remote-controlled from another side of the Earth by using satellite transmissions. And the protection system doesn't notice that some computers, which are connected to the network are in the remote control. 
