Vampire stories and their connection with real life
Whenever somebody is hiding things, the rumors are taking control, which means that the real background of the stories is leaving backward, when the conspiracy theories and horror-stories are filling the mind of people. The legend of "Dracula" the count who turned to vampire and rules the empire of darkness, is forming in the 15th century when Wallachia was under the rule of a man named Vlad Dracul (1428?-1477?)(1).
Precise years and months are unknown, but we know that he was born between 1428 and 1431. The death happened between December 1476 and January 1477, a certain year of birth and certain time of death are unknown for the infamous man who was known as the "Vlad the Impaler", whose hobbies were brutal.
Sometimes those years of born and death were missing because some astrologists believed that the positions of stars caused that this man was transformed the Dracula, and in that time was very usual to ask help from the astrologists. Vlad Dracula is known about the case when he called the homeless people in one of his castles, and then that man burned them all with the castle.
When we are looking at that case, there is always asked the question, were people worried about the castle or the people? Also sometimes has been asked did Dracula made that thing, because the damages of the castle were really big. Dracula didn't need that kind of tricks, he was the ruler of Wallachia, and that man was vassal for the landlords of Vienna.
So the thing is that there are many tales, which are not true and written because of the denigration of those people, whose mission was to act as the shield man for their masters Another case is that Vlad Dracula dropped the flechette arrows to the heads of the Turkish ambassadors when they refused to take off their hats ar the front of Dracula. There is no evidence that this man was drinking blood, but the legend still lives in modern Transsilvania.
The legend of "Dracula" got the new wings when the serial-killer ErsƩbet BƔthory (1560-1614)(2), who was known because of the blood baths, what that woman took. But those people were known only in Hungary and Romania until in Irish novelist Bram Stoker published horror novel "Dracula" in 1897. After that novel was told stories that after the Meyerling-incident, where the eldest son Crown Prince Rudolph, the man who would inherit the power of Franz-Joseph the Grand-Emperor of Austro-Hungary was shot to death with Maria Vetsera. After the death of those individuals, the body of Vetsera removed from the house.
That caused suspiciously that Franz-Joseph (4) killed his son during the fight. And the thing, what supports that theory is that the politics of the Austria-Hungary transformed to the very conservative. The secrecy around that case, like Franz-Josephs order to remove all images of the Crown Prince, was caused rumors about the bad conscience of Franz-Joseph in that case. Or it could be another member of the royal family, but the official explanation for that case is that those people made suicide.
The rumors told that Maria Vetsera, another victim of the case was spoken with two men, whose mission was to remove her body from the castle, that she couldn't be connected with the Crown Prince Rudolph. And some other people told stories that the blood was colored the lips of Vetsera, and she smiled like devil. But were those rumors became after the book "Dracula" was published? That book has caused influence to many vampire stories, and cases like "the Castle of Meyerling-incident" are also feeding rumors, and maybe somebody has been connected to those tales, the fiction, and reality to the dirty little vampire story.
Case of BĆ©la Kiss (1877-?) (Did he operated alone?)
In vampire stories like Dracula, the vampire has a human assistant, who would get the transforming to vampire, when the master-vampire will let that person drink the blood of a vampire. So when we are thinking about the people like Bela Kiss, "The Beast of Hungary", who was an infamous and brutal man, we must ask about the motive of those men. Did they believe that they were vampires or assistants to a vampire?
So in this last case, we must ask was this man working under the service of some other person? And were those bodies whose blood was sucked, what was stored in big metal tanks in gasoline or alcohol meant for some "tests", what were made by some kind of "Frankensteins"? The thing is that those bodies were not damaged and did some people think the possibility to return their alive by filling them with blood, and then just put the heart back to work, but as you might know, that kind of thing is pseudoscience. That case was uncovered in 1916 when three soldiers found that gasoline storage, where the bodies were hidden.
The case of Bela Kiss is full of mysteries, and his similar outlook with Rudolph Hoess is remarkable. When the murders, what Bela Kiss was made were uncovered, that man was in some Serbian military hospital. He vanished from that hospital and left a dead soldier behind him. Did som policemen warn him? Somebody believed that this man went into the French Foreign Legion.
After WWI there were many nameless and homeless people, and maybe Bela Kiss was one of them, or did he died in front? Sometimes it is introduced theories that BĆ©la Kiss went to the front by using the identity of the soldier, who he killed. And then he attempted to flee to the opposite side when the grenade was hitting him. But the only fact is that this infamous man vanished.
The thing, what brought this very brutal, infamous and scary murder man in my mind was the "Snowtown murders" in Australia (6), where serial killer stored bodies in gasoline or gasoline barrels, and the question is that was the person, who operated in Australia took the model from the case of Bela Kiss and was that man "only" schizophrenia case, who believed that some vampire would give him the life, what lasts forever, by turning him to vampire, and then we must say one thing.
If Bela Kiss Was a schizophrenic patient, that kind of person is very good targets for users, who want to use them for making crimes for those "businessmen". So was there somebody behind that infamous serial-killer remains a mystery.
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