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What if the internet would reach knowledge someday?

What if the internet would reach knowledge someday?

What kind of creature would be the mankind of the future be is one of the most important questions in history. Would we hybridize with the internet, and would we lost our identity. And one of the most dystopic scenarios of the advantage of the hybridization with the internet and living creature is a possibility, that someday in the future on the Earth would live "Homo Sapiens Interneticus". That means the creature, what senses are connected with the internet? In some scenarios, those creatures would have implanted microchips in their nervous system, which allows them to connect to the Internet whenever they want.

So if that kind of ultimate hybridization would become true that can mean, that the person, who has those systems lost the own senses, and truly become part of the ultimate reality, where that thing would take every kind of machines under the control. But the identity of that kind of creature would be different than a normal human, and that means this kind of advantage could be not wanted.

But when we are thinking about the Internet and the hybridization of human beings and the ideas of high-power computing, we must realize that every time, when we are creating the systems, what allows control machines with brainwaves, we are coming to near the point, what we ever cannot realize that we could reach. Along with highly sophisticated artificial intelligence and neural networks, someday we could face the thing, what can be the ultimate tool or enemy. That thing is independently thinking about the internet, which has a superior capacity to modify the data, what is stored in that system.

So the intelligence means the ability to modify data, what is stored in the net, and every time, when we are giving some data to databases, we are giving something to the internet. That thing is data, and if we are thinking about artificial intelligence only the network of databases, that thing would along with high-power computers cause that the internet will reach the level when it realizes the existence of itself.

So if we are willing to make independently thinking machines, we must just create the database structure, which is imitating the connections of the human neural network. And the problem with that structure has more connections than there are stars in the galaxy. For creating an independently thinking network, we must have very much time or a huge number of people. In this case, the virtual model of human brains would be created by using the database creating programs.

But would that thing happen someday? That is a really interesting question. If the system would be dumbed enough data, there is a possibility, that the system reaches the critical level. And then it would start to innovate independently. But that requires a very complicated series of databases, where are millions of possibilities to control the data in the system. The processing of the data independently is the ability to think independently without the assistance of the computer operator. But creating that thing is far away in the future.

Why this is not ever mentioned before?

Imitating nature we can create many effective tools also for national security and military purposes. 

The last part of this text has been mentioned to publish separately. But because it's so short I will publish that text in here.

At last one little idea of copying nature to the modern satellite protection system, what would imitate the viruses is simple the tank, what is filled with miniature satellites or OKVs (Orbital Kill Vehicles). When the tank is opening those vehicles would be released to space. Those systems can be very small, and they would be hard to detect in the middle of debris, which is forming when the satellite is exploding.

This system can be used against the killer satellites.

When the decoy satellite is destroyed, those machines would be released and they would find the killer satellite. And this kind of technology can be used against submarines, which means that in that case the system can be released the miniature submarines, but the idea is the same with the orbital system.

Those systems can also be a couple of centimeter size satellites, what have lasers or high-voltage electric system inside them. Then those satellites will land to the outer layer of the targeted satellite, and then they start to pump energy to the target. And sooner and later there would be damages in that structure.
