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The effect of coronavirus can be crushing for the economics of China.

The effect of coronavirus can be crushing for the economics of China. 

The person who has bought the car, which is brought from China is not a person, who is visited in that area. And even if there are the warning and preparation orders, the first thing that medical staff probably don't ask is, "have you chanced car recently, and where that car is produced?". The thing, that they might ask is "have you visited in China recently?".  

But they are probably not asking, where the car, what that person has bought is produced. The problem is that the virus could transfer to the seats and upholstery in the drops, which are released when a person is expectorating. And that kind of thing can cause infections far away from China. If coronavirus is protected from the ultraviolet radiation, that thing can cause infection also in Europe. 

The automobile sales of China has been decreased over 90%, and that means that the coronavirus epidemics can be extremely devastating for the industry of China. So the thing that this virus has been made is that the products of China are not selling well. People are afraid that in the structures of the automobile or some other products would be the viruses, which can cause infections. 

The thing in this kind of viruses is that they can easily cause infections, even the person washes hands. In the clothes is parts like buttons, where those viruses can stay to keep the ability to infect patients, and that thing causes really bad things in the actions against that virus.

One of the things is that those coronaviruses are acting like influenza at the beginning of the infection. And when some people who are manufacturing cars are expectorating the drops of spit would transfer viruses to the car, and that can cause infections to other people. So the thing that China should do is to tell, what kind of people are dying in the viruses. 

Are the victims only people, who have weaker health or some base disease, what needs the medicals that are disabling the immune system. In that case, the risk to die for those viruses is limited only to people, who have the medicals, what is affecting the immune system. Or people, who are old or some other way weak. The thing is that the coronavirus is very interesting because it affects the lives of ordinary people.

But when we are looking at the pictures, where the people, who have protective clothes and gas masks are searching vehicles, we must realize that this thing is not the first case, when we are seeing those epidemics. The corona-epidemics along with SARS are well-known because of the Internet.

So the question is, how many times authorities have been covered or "forgot" to tell media, that there is some kind of epidemics going on? This kind of thing is very good to know because if people would not be informed, the result would be worse, and every time, when men with gas masks are on the street, that thing causes rumors, which is not good for people. The thing is that only a single virus can infect one person, and the problem with viruses is that the symptoms are not beginning immediately after the infection, and that means that the infected person can come to work, and spread viruses around the working place all day long.

Then at the next day, that person can have over 38 degrees temperature, but would anybody suspect that the thing, that causes those symptoms is a coronavirus, not some "harmless" flu. The thing is that we always want to believe the best, and who would think that the "flu" is the corona? This is the problem with the epidemics. At first people, donƤt think that they have some virus, why they should isolate the BL-4 level section. 

And would the people in the medical center be prepared, that some exotic and deadly virus would be the thing, what causes death is the thing, what brings the patient to the policlinic? The thing is that this kind of epidemic is far away from home when we are thinking about those things. But aircraft and railroads are making the world smaller, and we must be ready to face the real-life tropic virus where ever we are living. 


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