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Magic crystals and telepathic communication

Magic crystals and telepathic communication

TRV (Technical Remote Viewing)

In some research units in the world like PSI-TECH corporation(1), researchers are investigating the possibility to create the technical equipment, which allows reading thoughts of the people. This kind of technical remote viewing is possible. And the only thing in theory that is needed is the radio-receiver, which will stimulate brain core, but there is, of course, own risks in this kind of system. 

The governments are spending millions of dollars to create the systems, which can transform the think of the people. In the classic brainwashing, the operator would use the suggestion, medicals and subliminal commands to make the person willing to follow the orders, what brainwasher uses. 

The model of that thing was created by Dr. Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936)(2). But Pavlov's methodology would take time, and that's why this type of mind control must start at a very young age when the Pavlov's method was connected to psychoanalysis, what is used as the observation tool, for finding out how the victim would advanced that thing will turn to dangerous. 

The governments are creating weapons, which are controlled by the mind, and this kind of systems, where the control unit of the aircraft communicates straight with brains can turn to brain core stimulator, what can use to "adjust" the opinions of the user of those devices(3). The electromagnetic systems, that are targeted to brain core can create electromagnetic dreams or hallucinations, which people cannot separate from real experience. 

Many people think that telepathy is something, what we cannot make. But if we would create the bandanna, what has the radio-transmitter and receivers, we could communicate with together by using this technical tool. So there is a very practical joke about what is told about this thing. Somebody has introduced an idea, that this kind of system would be formed as the Indian flume bandannas, which makes people possible to communicate with other people by using EEG-curves. 

And one thing, that connects this kind of system with the crystals is that quartz crystals are used in oscillating circuits on the radio. If two quartz crystals are oscillating with the same frequency that makes it possible to receive the transmitting, and if the crystals are different, the radio transmitting cannot be heard. 

In many paintings the noblemen and women have a bandanna, where is the crystal. So that's why there are many rumors and believing, what is connected to those things. At this point, I must say that many of those tales about the "magic power" of the crystals might be caused by some other things than crystals themselves. When some ancient priests have given the "magic crystal" to some person, that might happen in the room, where is cannabis-smoke, and that might be caused the effect, where persons got a good feeling. 

So, in this case, the magic amulet doesn't have any role in the feelings, what the person gets, it's only the mark of participating in the ritual. Also in some cases, the amulet itself can be covered by some kind of chemical, which causes hallucinations or europhile. But there is, of course, many wild rumors about that kind of crystals and amulets. 

Those things are always fascinated with people, and the thing is that some amulets are causing bad luck that might be true. The amulet itself might be marked as a target for snipers, who will target their bullets to people, who are carrying those merchandise. There are many things, that are connected to magic crystals, and one of those things is that they have something to do with the communication to another dimension. The idea of this theory is that the certain crystal is oscillating with the same frequency with some black hole, and that allows the nervous system to see the radiation, which comes from the singularity. 

But could the magic crystals affect the behavior of the people? 

We can say that if the crystal is loaded with the electricity, that thing might cause some kind of electric stress to the frontal lobe. And if the stress would continue a long time, that might cause the changes in EEG. So if the electricity is weak, the forming of the effect of the electric functions in the brains might not happen immediately, but if the stress continues years, that might cause the changes in EEG. 

So when we are thinking about the "occultist institutes" or complexes like "Riese"(4) or "The Giant" in the Second World War, the actions of the institute might seem like very pseudo-scientific. But there is a possibility, that those people, who were working in that institute created the bandanna, where is the oscillating circuit. And then the radio-transmitter would start to transmit information in the frequency of those oscillating circuits. 

So what if this kind of radio receiver would be installed in the helmet of military personnel? The system allows stimulating the brain core by using a radio transmitter for that purpose. 


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