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The holographic universe and the possible truth behind this case

The holographic universe and the possible truth behind this case

The term "holographic universe" might mean that in the atmosphere is created false star formations by using the holographic method. Those kinds of things are one very interesting reason, what might explain the reason, why that kind of system is created. The reason might be hiding the location of the ships, aircraft and military installations. 

And that kind of holographic system can also be used for misleading the stellar navigation systems of the submarines, which might make the sharp launching of the ballistic missiles impossible. So this is the one explanation for that kind of mysteries. There are also rumors that in some hangars, what are handling top-secret aircraft or equipment has been installed the planetarium theater-systems for faking that the actions in those hangars are made under the sky, and that will make easier to maintain secrets, what I think are quite big in the cases, where this kind of structures are made in secretive positions. 

But why there seem to be too many stars in many photographs, what are published in books?

The reason for that thing is that the photographs are taken by using the system, which is known as the light amplifier. Also, the shutter speed of the camera has been longer than usual, and that makes possible that in the photograph more stars and milky way have been visible. 

And the second thing is that sometimes those photographs are faked because they are meant for artwork. In those cases, the normal method is that the normal astronomical image would be increased over the horizon, which makes the photograph different than usual photographs are. 

But there are many interesting stories about the holographic universe, what is claimed to make by using satellites around the Earth. One version of those stories is that the holographic systems are created to cheat the position detectors of some satellites. In the space, the position detector would use the radio signals, which are coming from Earth to find the right position for its communication antenna. 

This method would be effective, but if the satellite what needs the position data is so-called sleeper the situation must be more complicated than in the other cases. Those "sleeper satellites" are the recon or killer satellites, which are meant to stay quiet, and when those systems are needed the radio signal would wake them up. Also, EMP-weapon carrying satellites might be sleepers. In those satellites is the nuclear detonator, whose mission is to close the electronic equipment of the enemy. 

That kind of sleeper satellites would use the stellar location system, where satellite uses star constellations to define the position of the satellite. In theory, that kind of satellite location system is really easy to make. The constellation would be stored in the memory of the satellite's computers. 

And then the camera would start to move, and when the image of the constellation is matching with the image, what is stored in the memory of the computer, that thing tells that the system is in the right position. So if there would be a holographic image of the faked star clusters, that would disturb that position system. 
