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About team and leadership

About team and leadership

Trust is the key element in dynamic teamwork.

In the team, every member must feel that they are important. They must also dare to introduce their ideas to the team, without afraid that their ideas are stolen or they will be cheated. So the key element in dynamic teamwork is trust. Members of the team must dare to say things and show the spontaneous will to make things. 

And they must be confessed that the things, that they are done wrong are spread to nowhere. In working life, people should know their weaknesses but operate by benefiting their strengths. The strengths are always as difficult to find with weaknesses, and if we are good in some areas, what we haven't ever thought that we can do, we must notice those things and this is the thing, that our bosses should tell to us. If our boss thinks that some duties are fitting to us better, we must follow those orders, because the boss is the boss. 

When we are giving feedback the bad things are good to tell at first. But then we should find some good to say about the work, what our henchmen are doing. Because if all constructive feedback is negative, the worker would start to look for a new job, or just walks out from the workplace, because of the disappointment will be so big. And in that case, nobody does that job. If all feedback is negative the number of absences is growing. 

But every workplace has regulations and orders, which must be followed because they are regulations and orders, what is coming from the leaders of the company. That is the only excuse, why we must follow them. 

Every team has regulations and orders. This is the thing, what we must realize before we are starting to lead. And the regulations must be easy to understand and common, which means that the orders are meant for everybody. If it is ordered, that mobile telephones must put away, people must just follow the orders, and the reason, why they or we must do that is they are regulations nothing more or less, just regulations. 

But why we must put telephones away during the meeting? During the meeting, the most important thing is to follow the reactions like facial expressions and movements of the opposite person, because that tells very much about what that person thinks. If we are not looking at a telephone that shows interest and willingness to make work during the meeting. The last thing is that nobody sees confidential things if the mobile telephones are in pocket and silent. And nobody takes unauthorized photographs. 

During the teamwork, we must confess people, who are participating in the meeting that the meeting is the place, where they can bring their ideas to common knowledge. If participants would not dare to tell their ideas, nobody knows them. And when we are answering, we must not follow our feelings, we must follow the sense. But how to separate sense and feeling, and are those things always serving the benefit of the company? That is a very good question. 

But for the advancing team must get new ideas, that it can advance its work. That means that the new ideas are welcome. And the problem is that those people must dare to introduce them without need to afraid that those ideas are stolen. That thing needs trust. Only in the environment, where the trust is made by using the interactive method those people dare to introduce new ideas. 

If those members of the team don't dare to tell their ideas, those things would just be forgotten. Or they can go in the hands of competitors because those people might tell them to the representatives of competitors in some bar. 

Youngsters of today are leaders of the future.

At first, I must say that whenever we are underrating the youngsters, we are forgetting that those people are the leaders of tomorrow. That means that someday those people are taking control of our society, and in that case, we must remember that in every case, the psychological term "Lucifer effect" would work in that kind of situation. Those leaders are acting in the same way how their leaders have worked, and that means that the mistakes and strengths are transmitted by those people to the next generations. So the chain, what has started generations ago continues today, and it will continue tomorrow. 

So the thing, what we should teach to youngsters is that they should share their knowledge during the teamwork. And in that case, the people, who are working in a team should learn from each other. But if we want to be honest, there is the thing, that we must realize, and that is that the benefit of the team would not always be the benefit of the individual, and let me tell you something. The benefit of a company is not always the same as the benefit of its workers. 

And if we have some unique value for the company, would we want to give that value away? This is the question, where we want to get an answer? If we have unique values and skills, we might think that things would give us a strong argument in discussions about the benefits, what the company can give to us, and also our position would always be stronger, than if we would have some skills, what many other workers have. 

Unique is hard to replace, and that is the thing, that might be against the benefit of the company. And if we have something, what makes us hard to replace, that would cost much to the company, and here we are facing the thing, why companies exist. Their mission is to bring the benefit and profit to their stakeholders, and especially the biggest owners of the company, and that means that the benefit of a company is different than the benefit of the worker. 

And here we are facing another tough thing. The role of the leader is to advocate the superiority of the company to the workers. So would the leader tell us, if we are priceless? That is the thing, that we should think all the time when we are talking about leadership, and how the leader's mission is to think of the benefit of the company. Every person has a price, and in the team, we cannot just watch, when somebody will crank, and there is always the limit, what others must stand. 
