The description of the word "Alien megastructure" is a very important thing.
In the real world, the word is really important to describe, because when we are thinking about the "Alien megastructures" (1)we might mean the natural or artificial megastructures. So the structures in the universe can form spontaneously or they can be formed by the purpose of some kind of intelligent creature. What means the word "alien would" in real life, and the normal way to use that term is that we are meaning "only" planets, what are orbiting other stars than our sun.
And the "alien megastructures" are also meaning strange-looking planets or the particles like, planets solar systems and black holes, which are acting differently than normal objects. Or rather saying the objects what are acting differently than normal objects, what is belonging to some group of the particles. So the non-typical structures in the universe or on some planets are calling as the "alien structures".
J1407b(2) (what is also known as 1SWASP J140747.93ā394542.6) is the official name for an exoplanet, which is known as "Saturn on Steroids". The planet is very well-known about the extremely large ring-structure, what is orbiting it.
How the extraordinary magnetic or gravity field of the Saturn on steroids has been formed? The answer could be weirder than we can ever expect, and one is of course that the small neutron star or black hole has an impact on that planet, and that causes the effect, where the ring system of the planet would grow extraordinary large.
So the inflation of the word "alien" is also happening. We can say weird birds or even person, who acts weirdly as "alien". But the thing is that there are many things, what we don't know in the universe. And when we are looking at the massive ring-structures around some planets, especially the "Saturn on steroids" the formation of those structures might need a very high level of energy, and that means that there must be an extraordinary energy source in those planets.
One of the most interesting explanations of that interesting structure around that planet might be caused because the planet has been traveled through the jet of the black hole, or some other external energy source has been loaded that planet with electricity, what has been caused the increase the power of the magnetic field of the planet.
But another explanation is that the planet J1407b has not always been a planet, and it's the remainings of the star, what has been lost its outer layers because of the explosion of a supernova or the jet, what comes from some black hole or neutron star would be removed those layers, and only the nucleus of that star is remaining. That could explain the extremely large ring-structures around that star.
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