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The quantum liquid amoeba
Superconducting materials have one ability, which people would not realize, and that is that the electromagnetic radiations can move those materials lightly. The other thing is that superconducting materials can hover above the land. But one of the most remarkable things is that the robot, what raw material is Bose-Einstein condensate can move through walls, because of the tunneling effect.
And there is a possibility to make the extremely advanced machines by using the superconducting materials. The material can be that the opposite poles of molecules are against together, and the small microchip would push that core by using laser rays. The chancing form of the core of this system would move it like some artificial amoeba.
The nucleus of the cell is replaced by using the small microchip, which pulls the core of the machine forward by using the lasers. And when the core is moved, the system can pull the microchip ahead, and then that series of movements is repeating. The idea is that the core of the machine has polarity. The laser ray would push the head forward, and then the electricity is cut, and the magnetic forces will pull the microchip ahead. The thing is that the superconducting material would move easily, and this kind of system can use quantum technology for creating the movements.
The microchip can send the laser ray to the forward, and then the core is moving. In this version, the laser of the system would be created by using the iced water. If we could make both the core of the robot and the microchip by using the Bose-Einstein condensate, that thing makes it possible to create the robots, which can tunnel themselves through the walls.
Normally we think that this kind of robot would not work because the temperature on the Earth is too high. But if there would be created technology, which allows that those robots are in the vacuum and the production system of them is installed in some vehicle or drone, that thing can make the robots, what can slip in every place and then vanish.
The thing that makes this kind of system interesting is that the microchip can be made by using quantum materials, like an atom or ion lines, which are connected by using electromagnetic fields. That means that the machine can exist only at an extremely low temperature, which means it can search for things that are near the zero kelvin degrees.
Quantum technology would allow researchers to create small size supercomputers, even if they are acting as normal computers. And that thing gives the new abilities for the small size robots if the microchip can be stored in stable conditions, where the temperature is near zero kelvin.
So what if we could make the microprocessor, what is existed only in the extremely low temperatures? That thing opens the new road to the computer and robot technology. The data can be stored to the Bose-Einstein condensate and the microprocessor can make by using the ion rows. So if that kind of system would make, it denies that no outsider can get the data or the microchip in their hands, even if this kind of computer would install in the drones.
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