The Matrioshka Brain.
One of the most interesting hypothetical megastructures is the Matrioshka Brain. The Matrioshka Brain the planet or even solar-system size mega computer is one of the fantasies of science fiction, and when we are looking at those fantasies, they cannot probably be made even in thousand years.
The thing is that Matryoshka Brain is not necessarily one single structure. So can we create the thing, what is called "Jupiter Brain", the planetary size version of the matryoshka brain? Or even the full-size solution someday?
1) Matrioshka Brain and technical singularity
Matrioshka Brain has brought the idea that the system could be two groups of people. They could simulate the brain core and inner brains, and the data could transmit between those groups. In this case, the technical singularity means that the people or rather saying intelligent objects, who are connected to the system can create the entirety, what is acting like brains.
One of the most fascinating ideas, what is written about that structure is that each eĆndividual can operate virtually independently. They could walk outside the "brain", but they always connected to the giant megastructure. At this point, I must say that there are many models about the Matryoshka Brain. Matrioshka Brain must not be built on space. That system can look like the city, where people and computers are connected to one large entirety by using the Internet and GSM microchips.
2) Could Jupiter Brain be possible?
What if we would send the giant number of airships to the atmosphere of Jupiter. Each of the airships is carrying the computer unit, which is linked with other units by using WLAN.
When we are thinking about the possibilities to make the supercomputer, what has the size of the Jupiter, we could benefit from the airships, where the computer units can be mounted. Those airships are hovering in the atmosphere of Jupiter, and they can benefit the winds of the giant planet for energy products for their computers.
And the system can use wireless technology like laser communication to link those data systems together. In this idea, the system would get the missions from Earth, and then it would make the calculations. That kind of system, what bases the WLAN-and modular architecture can also operate in the atmosphere of Venus, Saturn, or Neptune.
3) Matrioshka Brain could be a group of satellites
Matrioshka Brain could be a group of satellites, which are connected by using WLAN. Those data-satellites can send to the Ort cloud, where they are in stable conditions near the zero kelvin degrees, which makes it possible that the quantum computers can operate easily. And the electricity to those satellites can be sent by using powerful maser and laser rays.
But the Matrioshka Brain is not necessarily one single structure. The thing is that we could make that giant megastructure by using virtualization. The virtualization is that the independent satellites what mission is to act as computing units are connected with together by using WLAN systems. There could be billions of those satellites, and the system must only transmit energy to the computer-satellites, which are operating in the Ort cloud. The power units can be the high power radio-and laser cannons.
Those systems are sending the energy to the computers, what are locating extremely far away from the central star, and the system can use quantum computers, what are in the extremely low temperature, what makes them superconducting and stable. So this kind of system could be the mega computer of tomorrow, and the virtualization makes it possible to build large entireties like computers by using small structures, which are connected by using laser- or maser rays.
Matrioshka Brain:
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