The pyramids are silent evidence of the great civilization of the past, and the greatest mystery is the real reason why they ware built? Why the building of those things began just after Pharaoh was born? And why Egyptians ended the build pyramids after Pharaoh Pepi II? What caused the change in that tradition, and why the empire was fallen internally after Pepi II (2278-2178 BC)?
(The ruling years of that Pharaoh are not sure. And there is a possibility that he ruled twice. Maybe there was some rebel, which forced him to flee, but then Pepi II returned and won the battle. Who knows the truth, because after his death Egypt went in very turbulent condition, what explains the unsharp years. Or maybe the calendars were not advanced enough, and the years were not synchronized.)
When people are talking things like "Aliens are builders of Pyramids", we are facing strange things. People are always so serious about this kind of conspiracies, that they almost searching for things like a pitchfork and start the witch hunt if somebody says that. The thing is that by using "Roman cranes" (Image II and Film below) and inclined planes, where the sand and stone made structure was the size of the pyramids, that thing is possible, and Roman cranes could be very big. Even hundreds of workers could rotate that kind of devices by using the series of running wheels.
When pyramids were ready, those planes removed, like in the modern building sites. And that explains why there are no visible marks of those planes that existed in that area. The pyramid area of the King's valley was extremely well guarded and regular people had no access to those places. So they were very clean, and if there were unauthorized people in those places, that could cause the death penalty. Pharaoh Khufu made the largest pyramid of Egypt during his ruling period 2589ā2566 BC. (1)
Image II Roman Crane
And when we are thinking that pharaoh was the person, who introduced the good works of Egyptians to Amon, that means that there was no problem to recruit workers. The last of the great pyramids(2) is the pyramid of Pharaoh Pepy II(3), who ruled that country (2278-2184 B.C). So the workers had a very long time to make those pyramids.
The pyramid started to build just after the birth of Pharaoh. And the thing, what remains a mystery is why Egyptians abandon that tradition. The gold stored in those buildings. Was reserved for the gift to the priests who supported Pharaoh and his power. But why they need to hide their little secret from the public eye? They had all power in that society, so that is a really interesting question. What those priests afraid?
Egypt was conquered a long time after the last pyramid was built, and that means those people had time to remove the structures around those buildings. And that is the explanation, why there are no markings of camps or other things of builders.
Was there some kind of secret technology in Pyramids?
On the top of that pyramid is less erosion than in other places of the wall of that structure. There is possible that there was a copper or iron hat on that thing. If there was the metal stick inside the pyramid, that thing can cause extreme high voltage electric vortex. There are two ways to make electricity. Another way is to use sodium and gold, and between those metals would be the acid, which makes an extremely high voltage.
When the distance of metals on that electromotive series is increasing, also the voltage is increasing. So the galvanic pair can create very high voltage if it is used gold and sodium. The electricity can be loaded to the copper hat of pyramids. Or it can simply collect from flashes of lightning, and store in the capacitors, what might be iron or copper plates that are laying on the wooden structure.
When robots are laughing and crying. Does the AI have feelings? Does the AI have feelings? Or can it be emphatic? The fact is this program code that controls the AI determines if it can give empathic reactions. The problem with the human nervous system is that we don't make a difference in the writing of empathic letters or telling empathic stories human or AI. Our nervous system is not adapted to AI yet. And that's why we cannot separate text written by AI from text that made by humans. What does somebody make with AI that can emulate feelings? The fact is that the cyborgs are useful tools for infiltration operations. The human-size robots can have WLAN/6G connections with the central computers. Or they can form a neural network that shares information between all group members. The robots can also act as walking neural network-based supercomputers. That can make complicated solutions. In those networks, each member shares information and their data-handling cap...
Earth 2.0 has been caused discussion about the possibility to find another civilization The Earth 2.0 or officially Kepler-452b is locating extreme log distance from Earth(1). A new Earth-type planet has been found near the star, which is similar to our own Sun. The journey to that planet would take 1400 years, even if the spacecraft will reach the speed of the light. The planet has been found in the year 2008, but the confirmation of the existence of that planet has been taken time, but in 2015 the confirmation has been got, and Earth 2.0 has turned true. The mass of that planet is 1,9 times Earth and the temperature is excellent if we are thinking about liquid water, but the journey to that planet will take so long, that we cannot ever go in there by using regular rockets and technology. The thing is that this kind of planets are the most interesting if we are looking for the lifeforms, which are similar to us, and the problem with that kind of things ...
Image I Tunguska meteorite and the natural nuclear fission 1) Tunguska UFO-theory Tunguska meteorite is the mystery, that has been solved once, but then the case has been open again because Lake Cheko was not suitable for an impact crater. That lake has been introducing as an impact crater of the Tunguska meteorite. But the problem is that the shape of that lake is like a swimming pool. And that means it cannot form by a meteorite. So the mystery remains. Meteorites can launch the natural nuclear fission if they hit the uranium ore, and transfer the impact energy to that ore. And is the thing that the famous "Tunguska" meteorite caused that kind of effect? There is also a theory that some "UFO" explode in that area, but the thing is that it is only theory, but interesting topics for some TV-series. So I will begin this text by handling that theory, which is one of the incredible and outstanding theories in the world. Officially there is no physical evidence of ...
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