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Showing posts from August, 2020

Quantum tunneling and the ghost particles

Image I Quantum tunneling and the ghost particles In the beginning, I must say that this idea seems a little bit "interesting" but when we are thinking about quantum tunneling, could that thing explain the things, what are known as ghosts? Are ghosts the shadows of the creatures, what are living in the other dimension? The idea of that is not made by myself. J. Allen Hynek, the astronomer, who worked in the Project BlueBook, the mysterious UFO-investigation that was made by U.S Air Force claimed that UFOs are creatures, that are coming from the other dimension. That thing would explain, why those mysterious things are suddenly disappearing from the visible.  The idea of quantum tunneling is simple. When the particles or wave movement hits the barrier, they would send the weaker particles or wave movement through the barrier. The same way when the pressure wave hits the wall would send the weaker wave movement to the back of the wall. Or sharper saying the wave movement would ...

Scientists have a new tool: the Casimir effect tweezers.

    Image I Scientists have a new tool: the Casimir effect tweezers. Casimir Effect is one of the most interesting phenomena in the world because the effect can be called the "force of nothingness". The Casimir effect is the thing, where the "ghost particles" are forming between two layers, which are extremely close to each other. So the description for the Casimir effect is that is one kind of "electric arc", what is burning between the quantum fields.  So the Casimir effect that is forming between the very sharp stylus and the layer can be used to move objects, what are the atom size. There is created the "optical instruments", where the extremely tiny piezoelectric crystals, what are forming about a couple of atoms are conducted the acoustic impulses, which makes them send the photons to the object, and that thing allows them to move atoms. But when the researchers would want to put atoms in chains they need a more sensitive tool, which would ...

The quantum computers might make to deep underground facilities

  The quantum computers might make to deep underground facilities The conditions of the quantum computer must be extremely stable. Even the smallest anomalies in the conditions can affect the quantum cables and qubits that they cannot transport the information. So the quantum computers must be placed deep inside the ground for removing the effect of the cosmic radiation and the magnetic anomalies of the Earth. The qubit is extremely sensitive to every kind of turbulence, and that's why the place of the computer must be very stable.  The quantum lines of the atoms require extremely low temperatures, and the thing that can be destructive is the ionizing radiation. If the electron or some ion would hit the quantum line of the atoms that thing can be devastating. That impact would break the connection of the chain of atoms in quantum wires and destroy the atom size structures. The quantum wires are made by atoms that are touching together by the poles of the quantum fields. So all...

The zero-point propulsion and Avrocar

  The zero-point propulsion and Avrocar What if we would put the cyclotron tube around the craft? What effect would the particle beam have, what travels around the spacecraft? That thing would make it possible to create the cyclotron photon engine, which sends the radiation or oscillation to the air.  There is one thing that makes the system interesting. The thing is that this system allows the time dilation inside it.  By using the cyclotron particle accelerator, what is at the outer layer of the disk-shaped craft can be forming the time dilation if the speed of the particles is high enough, and that means that the time would travel slower in the craft. This thing can explain, why the people who are abducted ever seem to be anywhere. If the craft can dilate the time inside it, that thing gives more time to make things like genetic experiments.  There is a possibility that the similar systems like Avrocar have been used in the tests, where is tested so-called quantum...

Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar

  Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar There are two kinds of people: people who are taking Earth to forward and people who are taking it anywhere. When we are thinking about things like UFO:s we can say that everything is a hoax, and that's it. Or we can start to thinking about the problem, and focusing, what the UFO might be or even try to create our aircraft, what acts like UFO. So what we are doing in that case? We are creating new innovative technology, and in that case, we must not prove a single thing about the visions of the UFO, we must just create our fully working model, which can fly.  So let's start to think about Avro Avrocar, the man-made flying saucer. Even if the original model of Avrocar didn't work, by using modern stabilization technology, what is used in quadcopters that small aircraft can work.  And if we would equip the rotor of Avrocar by using VRG (Variable Rotor Geometry) what means that the flaps of the rotor can turn around, that system can make many great...

The quantum tunneling part II

   Image I: The quantum tunneling part II The image above this text could portrait the case, where the particle would travel through the electron layer of the atom. In this case, the internal electromagnetic field would be acting as the potential barrier, which causes the effect called Quantum tunneling. The thing is that there is a possibility to make the panel-looking singularity in the ring-shaped object.  ----------------------------- The quantum laser The idea of the quantum laser is simple. The hydrogen atoms would be connected to the chain. And then the electrons that are orbiting the protons would be stressed by electromagnetic radiation. The electrons would transmit the energy to protons, which is transporting energy to the edge of the atom line. And the direction of that energy signal can turn one way simply by sending the electromagnetic stress to another side of the atomic line.  The chain of the hydrogen atoms is formed by gluing the atoms together by us...

Schrƶdinger's cat part II

     Schrƶdinger's cat part II So let's return to think about the problem or paradox of the Schrƶdinger's cat, what is existing in many layers or spaces at the same time. We know that the cat can have other layers or dimensions than just being dead or alive. A cat can be scary. The cat can be glad or it can scream. Or it can be quiet. The cat can be awake or it can sleep. It can be lost its hair, but it's still the same cat. Or rather saying, it can be a scary cat, sphinx cat, or screaming cat. But basically, it's the same cat all the time.  If we would use too much force to wake the cat or we use the wrong kind of method, like snapping our cat to balls, the results would be terrifying. So what is the base layer of the cat, that is the question? Is sleeping cat in its base layer, where it uses the minimum energy, or is the base layer something else than the minimum energy layer?  That means that the cat has many other dimensions than the base dimension or the la...

Schrƶdinger's cat, when the object is in two places at the same time.

Image I Schrƶdinger's cat, when the object is in two places at the same time.  In the quantum world many things, what is impossible to us happens all the time. The scale of those things is so small, that even atoms are very large if we compare those effects with the scale of atoms. So in the quantum world happens things like tunneling and superposition, where one particle is in two places at the same time. But one of the questions can we someday make things, what is happening in the quantum fields or on the surface of protons or neutrons.  The thing is that theoretically, we can make things like quantum levitation in large scale objects. But for a successful result, that thing needs very high energy levels for making things like material transfer or teleportation system from the Star Trek movies real in real life. The term "real life" can mean that the system must be loaded in 100 years before it can be used. In theory, we could make the person rotate with a very high spe...

What does Putin fear?

What does Putin fear? RDS-220 "Tsar Bomba" Above this text is the film of dropping "Tsar Bomba", the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated. The power of that weapon was 57 megaton, but the many layers of highly enriched uranium and plutonium slower the reaction. And the highly radioactive material inside this FFF (Fission Fusion Fission) weapon might mean to deny stealing this weapon. The mass of the bomb was high. The weight of that weapon was 27 000 kg, and the Tu-95 bomber had difficulties fitting it inside in it.  This weapon required that the tanks of the Tu-95 "Bear" nuclear bomber were removed. And the bomb was hanging below the bomber. The reason for removing the fuel tanks from bomber is probably made for security reasons, that the pilot did not try to steal the weapon. Hanging the bomb called also RDS-220 below the aircraft outside of the bomb bay might seem exotic.  But the makers of that test made this solution because they wanted that th...