What if the detonator of the hollow ammunition will replace by using a neutron bomb(1)?
The idea of the aimed nuclear explosions is basing the same idea with the hollow warheads, which are used in the antitank grenades and missiles. An idea of the hollow or HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank)(2) weapon is that the small explosive would detonate the back of the empty chamber.
That thing that makes that thing so deadly is the shower of heated gas and metal bites to the target. In some versions, the power of the HEAT warhead is increased by using the propane or some other high inflammable gas, which gives it and thermobaric or FAE(3) (Fuel Air Explosive) effect.
But what if the place of the explosive of the HEAT warhead is the small nuclear detonator. The heat and power would be higher than any other antitank weapon. And the neutron bomb behind the HEAT weapon chamber would make extremely high-temperature plasma, what would drill a hole into the armor, what is made by the hardest materials on earth. That kind of nuclear antitank bombs and rockets will be the next generation of surgical nuclear weapons.
But aiming the high yield thermonuclear weapons is also possible. If there is supercooled gas behind the nuclear warhead of STATUS-6 that thing causes the non-symmetrical burst. The weaker bow of the STATUS-6 with the super cold gas behind the detonator could mean that the system causes the aimed tsunami ahead of the device. And that kind of thing causes that STATUS-6 is even more dangerous than people expect.
Could "Poseidon" or STATUS-6 (NATO reporting name"Kanyon")(4) torpedo unstoppable?
It is possible to STATUS-6 100 mt nuclear torpedo is extremely hard to destroy because the system has so high yield nuclear warhead, that it can cause an extremely high tsunami, even it detonated in the middle of the ocean. But there is possible that even a direct hit with a torpedo cannot damage or deny the explosion of STATUS-6.
When we are thinking about the structure of that giant nuclear torpedo there is possible that the STATUS-6 has the system, which would aim its detonation effect. There is a possibility that some of the nuclear bombs have an implosion mechanism bases on the extremely gold gas, and if the gas is warming the overcritical nuclear material would cause fission, which detonates the hydrogen bomb. That means that the system would be unable to destroy without launching the nuclear system.
(1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_bomb
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-explosive_anti-tank_warhead
(3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermobaric_weapon
(4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Status-6_Oceanic_Multipurpose_System
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