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The observer cannot change reality.
In real life, we should separate the observer and reality from each other. The observer is the creature, what is looking at the object, what can be an item, but it can be a reaction, etc. And the actor is the person or some other creature, what is affecting reality. So people make many times error about the observer and actor of the thing, what are the different things.
The reality is independent of the observer, which means that reality itself would not change, even if the observer sees things changing. Let's take one example. We are looking at the house at different times in the day. At first, we are seeing the house in the daylight. We are seeing bright colors and everything seems clear and nice and when the sun is set, we are seeing the shadows are falling over the walls and below the eaves, the wall seems like black. We are looking at the house, which seems to change to darker. But then we must realize that the house itself is stable.
The environment of it is similar to what it was in daylight except for one thing. There is less visible radiation. And the weather is colder, so the energy layer of the environment is decreasing. But the fact is that there is no way, how the observer can change the environment itself. The way how the observer sees the reality is changing, but the reality itself is always similar.
Let's take another example of this case. People are sitting around things like Chess-horse. Chess-horse is the only chess button that is asymmetrical, and they are looking at that button. They are seeing the chess-horse from different angles, and if they cannot move around the table, they are seeing a different-looking button. But if they would be allowed to walk around the table, they might understand that the chess-horse is always the same.
But if those people are not allowed to walk around the table or touch the chess-horse, and they are looking at it from one point they are describing different shape objects. That is the thing about reality. We all see reality differently because we have a different angle for reality, and this is the thing, why we must realize that the observer and reality are different, independent things.
The thing that the observer sees is the virtual image that forms in the brains after it is traveled in the neural network. During that journey, the human mind has connected those things with memories and feelings, so when we are seeing something, we should say that we are seeing projection. We see everything differently because we are connecting the experiences and expectations to the thing, what we are calling "observation".
Image: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Chess_piece_-_White_knight.JPG
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