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The supermassive black hole would remain longer than the small one.
The thing is that the lifetime of the black hole depends on the size or rather saying mass of that object. The large-size black holes are living longer than the small-black holes. The first objects in the universe were black holes. The first black holes in the universe formed galaxies around them as they do today.
We must realize that the black hole would not vaporize until it would not get the material for replacing the lost material, which is sometimes escaping from beyond the event horizon. So the black holes should not vaporize for a long time. That thing was thought of as fact until the researchers found the thing, called Hawking points. Those areas are strange circles in the universe.
If we can observe the radiation that comes inside the black hole itself that thing means that there is a possibility to see to the past or future. And maybe that kind of thing is supporting the CCC theory. That theory claims that there are many universes before our universe. CCC or (Conformal Cyclic Cosmology) theory means that the universe is the cyclic entirety, which exists between the big bang and big crashes. So that theory has given an idea that maybe some particles from the past universes exist in our universe. But many scientists require more evidence about that thing.
The term Hawking points or Hawking areas are causing interesting theory, that the black holes are bringing radiation from the past universe. There are many so-called empty areas in the universe, and maybe in those cases, the black holes are pulled entire material around them away. So that means that the universe in that area is cleaned from the material. And if we would find the black hole, what is hovering in total emptiness, that thing would bring the brilliant opportunity to observe the radiation, what comes from the black holes themselves.
The lifetime of the black hole can be extremely short, and the atomic black hole can vaporize in less than a second if there is not energy pumped at that point. And the large size black hole lives until it pulls entire material around it inside the event horizon. The supermassive black hole can form a cosmic cloud of material that will collapse because of its gravity.
Why material is escaping from a black hole?
The event horizon is not a physical thing. It's the point or area, where the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of the light. So the movement of the material would continue behind that point to the nucleus of the black hole. The thing is that if the material would not escape from the black hole to somewhere the increasing mass of that monster causes that the area of the event horizon would expand. And because the event horizons of the black holes seem not expanding, that thing causes the creation of the theory that the material will go somewhere. So the wormhole or energy bridge will move the material away from the black hole. But that thing is the topic of some other writings.
If a black hole pulls material inside it that thing causes that the radiation that comes behind the event horizon is hard to separate the radiation that comes from the material disk. Theorists introduced for the reason why the black hole sometimes loses the photon or some other particle is that the material starts to orbit the nucleus of the black hole inside the event horizon. So the material continues its spiraling movement behind the event horizon.
And when the form of the event horizon is chancing, some photons are escaping from that area. The change of the form of the event horizon is the result because the spin of the black hole is chancing and the small movement causes that the particles, what speed is the speed of the light escape from the event horizon. The event horizon is not a physical layer, which means that the material would cross that point without dramatic things.
CCC-theory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conformal_cyclic_cosmology
Information paradox: https://www.quantamagazine.org/the-black-hole-information-paradox-comes-to-an-end-20201029/
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