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How to make hacking? And how to uncover the hacker?
The modern data networks are well-protected, and that means that delivering malicious code over the internet is very difficult. Making that code is also turning difficult because the web-based programming editors are making the malicious code dangerous, and if the programmer wants to make some kind of virus, that thing requires good programming skills.
The web-based editors are easier to control, and they are putting the stamp code behind the program, that it is made by using legal software. But the stand-alone editors are not using that stamp, and that means that the code will travel through the firewall, which will send it for sharper analyzation, which is made by artificial intelligence and human programming specialists.
The viruses that are slipped into the system are good tools for accessing the hackers to install malicious tools in a computer network, but there are many easier ways to take access to even the most protecting system. And the simplest of those methods is social hacking. Social hacking means that somebody just cheats the people to give their access codes to the data.
One of the most perfect ideas is to use social media for phishing. For that thing, the best way is to use fake accounts. So how to recognize fake accounts? The name of the users or owners of those social media accounts are seeming like a fake. Those names might be from some movies or they might be historical persons, like "General Sherman" or "Dr. Van Helsing". And in those accounts is a very small number of private information.
Another thing is that some newspaper or other media articles are inciting some people for making the attacks. Things like psychiatrical medicals are always interesting. And that thing can cause the increasing number of attacks on psychiatrical institutes. Those actors should keep the data of their patients in their highly secured databases.
So the psychiatrical data offers a good tool for blackmailing people. And sometimes I have thought that is it possible that some workers in the psychiatrical institutes are simply selling their passwords to hackers, which can use those passwords for delivering the personal data of the customers or patients.
But when the hackers are delivering some data in social media, we must realize that the value of data depends, what kind of files are shared. And the hackers should prove that those files are real. Many people have seen blackmailing attempts on the Internet, and then we must realize, that those files should be proven to include the data, what can harm the people. Are they stolen from some database or faked by some teenagers?
In many movies, we are seeing situations that the boss will kick the henchman away if the blackmailer just sends an anonymous letter to that person. Those situations are proving one thing if the boss has the authority to kick off the henchmen, without telling reason, every single paper is a powerful tool in the hands of that kind of boss. But in real life, the henchman can say that the file is pure crab. And that kind of thing is problematic. The files are got without permission, which means that lawyers would deny the evidence force of the files, and say that they are faked, and the judge can say that those files are not allowed to use as evidence.
So how other people should believe that data is real? And the thing is that if the hacker is delivering that data, we should ask why that person stops delivering? When the data is used and everybody can see it, it loses its power.
If a hacker is delivering data on the internet, we should ask what kind of things are involving the delivered files? Is the hacker delivering only texts, or are there some PDF-documents or something like that? Those things should have markings that can prove that the file has stolen from the database or they are easy to deny. And if hackers withdraw the material from the net, what is the reason for that? In the case of hacking, the material is taken without permission and that makes it easy to deny.
Image: https://readwrite.com/2019/05/02/dear-senior-citizens-you-folks-are-the-easy-target-of-hackers/
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