Superman is a man of steel
One of the most incredible fictional characters is superman. That creature has more abilities than any other creature on the screen, and sometimes I have thought, what kind of technology that creature would have. And this kind of thing is one of the most inspiring moments in the day. In the same way, we might think, what the world would look like after a couple of hundred or thousand years from now.
What kind of abilities the hypothetical humanoid might have is one of the most interesting things, what the futurologists, philosophers, and Science Fiction writers have created. There is a possibility, that those creatures would have an ability to transfer other species to themselves by injecting their victims with the viruses and nanomachines, which would replace the DNA of the targeted creature by using that humanoid DNA.
In the next part, I will think about what kind of thing the fictional creature called "Superman". What if we would someday create that creature, what would get energy from the quantum-sized black holes, what is installed in every mitochondrion and closed in nano-ball. And the suit of that creature would make this thing the WARP-track around its body.
This is one of the most interesting theories about the thing, what abilities the super-advanced civilization would have. But before we would make contact with super civilization, we cannot be sure what kind of abilities in the bodies of those humanoids would have, and of course, one thing, what might give an interesting vision of the abilities, what the very advanced humanoids would have is the "Superman". The creature, what is fully hybridized by the living organism and machine.
One of the thing what this kind of creature could be is that the entire body of the "superman" is forming the small bites, what have small articulation in the middle of them. Or maybe they are formed by some kind of extremely small cylinders, which can change their length and form. This kind of creature would be formed by the entirety of many small cylinders and pistons, which makes them feel like a human.
Or could the superman be organic? The man, what is filled with nanotechnical balls, where is the extremely high-power energy source like quantum-sized black holes? If those nano-sized black holes or antimatter reactors would be replaced the mitochondria, that kind of creature will be extremely powerful. But could that kind of thing be possible? Maybe someday we would have enough high technology for creating those "super mitochondria".
But of course, if we are thinking that this kind of creature would be some kind of "gift", there might be the protection system, which denies stealing it. And that thing would also allow that creature would create an extremely high level of energy to support all its systems. This creature could have artificial nanotechnology mitochondria, which could use antimatter for producing a high level of energy.
Or otherwise, Superman could have quantum-sized black holes in its bodies, and if that creature would be harmed, the black holes or singularities could be released to nature. So the thing would make extremely high energy levels to that very interesting, but fictional creature.
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