Rotating words and spacecraft
1) O'Neill cylinders would open the road to the entire solar system
When we are thinking about the cosmic megastructures like O'Neill cylinders and rotating spacecraft, what are making the artificial gravity, we are always saying that those systems would make the gravity by using uncomfortable technology. But then we are forgetting that those colonists can take the medicines for that sickness, and if we would think that those colonies are stable, and the people, who are living in those places would be born in there, their senses would adjust to the rotating movement.
The idea of the rotating movement is to make artificial gravity, which would make it easier to move to the other planets. This is the thing, what we always forget when we are thinking about this kind of structure, and those artificial words would allow traveling in our solar system by using stable trajectories.
If we are thinking that this kind of system would travel at the trajectory, where it will orbit by using Neptune and the sun as the opposite points of the trajectory, this would make the revolution in space technology. And when the cylinder is in the aphelia, the life support would use nuclear energy and the UV-light for making the food production possible by using plantation. And when the cylinder would return to the Sun, the nuclear reactor can simply be changed.
2) We could make the virtual-reality travel to other planets like Mars right away.
So why would we don't colonize the solar system by using artificial words? The thing is that those giant spacecraft would be far safer than the bases, which are built to the surfaces of the planets. And the crew can operate remote-controlled robots on the surface of the planets and moons.
In some nasty ideas, the robots would have the system, which would record the mission in the computer memory. And that can be used to build artificial feelings for virtual reality, what can emulate even the touch that person would walk on the surface of the planets, and that thing would make it possible to make the virtual tour to the other planets.
The thing is that that almost every other stone planet in our solar system has weaker gravity than Earth. This makes possible to emulate those gravity fields by using hovers, which will raise a person upwards. And those robots would have multiple sensors like 3D-cameras, Lidars and other systems for creating perfect 3D VR movies for people. Maybe this is the next thing, what is the magnet in the amusement parks.
3) The benefit of the artificial worlds is that they are safe
The traveling to the Neptune would take a very long time, and this kind of system would be the first step to the colonization of the entire solar system. So this kind of thing would be used as the stable space stations and the thing that makes them safe is that they are artificial. There would be no weather or anything that might risk the crew.
Problems with the stations, what builds on the natural moons is that there could be things like magnetic storms, which can cause devastating problems with the systems. And if the station would be made on the surface of the icy moon like Europe, that thing might cause that the tidal waves would break the ice under the base, and that can risk the life of those people. Also, the bacteria and psychological effects of the wind and waves are eliminated in the OÅeill cylinders.
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