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Collyer brothers the most unusual collectors in history

Collyer brothers the most unusual collectors in history

Homer Lusk Collyer (1881-1947) and his brother Langley Wakeman Collyer (1885-1947) (1) has become in public knowledge in the case, where the entire building was filled with the merchandise. Those brothers lived in their own "nests", where they could walk in the corridors and those corridors were full of traps, what the younger brother Langley has been made to protect his blind elder brother Homer. 

There are many theories, why those persons made that strange "museum", but there is an explanation that in some of those merchandise like newspapers have been hidden something, what those brothers felt important. Something, what they wanted to hide from others, and that thing was hidden in those merchandise like trees could be hidden in forests. 

Or there is one explanation about the meaning of that merchandise. Could Langley use them to create the sounds and smell? Could the coffins, what were filled with metal items meant to play boxes, what was very expansive? Could the "nest" meant to play the armchair in some office, and newspapers play the palm? Was this case one of the most extreme versions of Virtual Reality?

The thing is that Langley loved his brother, who was blinded, and if that man lost all of their money. And there is a possibility, that Langley used those things to make the virtual experience to Homer about the trips to the foreign land. A large mass of garbage would isolate the house, and that means that there was no need for warming. The mass of junk was 100 tonnes. (2)

New York Police visited in that strange house a couple of times, and they didn't make a report that those brothers were mentally insane though the entire building was filled with garbage. The reason, why the police didn't send those brothers to a mental institute is unknown. But the thing is that was those merchandise meant to hide something? And what was the thing, what is called something?

When we are looking at the history of Homer and Langley Collyer, the elder of brothers Homer blinded in 1931 because there was hemorrhage behind his eyes. And what was the reason for those hemorrhages? Was it some kind of hit or electric shock? The thing is that this caused the blindness of that man. 

There are many things, that are making this story "interesting", and one is that there is claiming, that there were radio receivers connected to the optic nerve of Homer. Those people were a little bit different than others, so that thing causes many rumors about those persons, and many of those rumors were not true. 

Langley, the younger of brothers afraid robberies, and went out of the house after midnight, and always walked to buy the cheapest food even miles. But this thing has something conflict against the sense and logic because normally a person, who afraid of killers or violence afraid normally night and darkness. 

The thing is that sometimes, somebody has been claimed that something kept those brothers as prisoners in that house. But who would be that person? When we are thinking another explanation for that strange willingness to collect merchandise is connected to the inventions or some kind of engineering things, what the younger brother made. 

Maybe the thing was that Homer told Langley, what that man should do, and Langley acted as the hands and eyes to his brother. There are so many myths about those brothers, that there should be the entire year to tell those things to people. But the thing that the police didn't make a thing for those men makes me think a couple of things, what we might not notice. 

Is it possible that Homer and Langley worked for the Government? The thing was that Homer could act as "acoustic medium". That means that the sounds, what that man heard could compare the sound to the sound, what each merchandise in that house would be kept if they were knocked, and maybe that thing was the reason, why police didn't take those brothers to the mental hospital. 

Langley died about a month before Homer when his trap launched, and that caused death, and this makes that story sad. This is the story of real friendship and love between brothers, who were different than others. There is a memoir for those men in New York, and that thing is called Collyer park, which has 140 mĀ² space. 


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