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Another thing about the wheel-shaped flying machines

Another thing about the wheel-shaped flying machines

When we are looking at the artist's impressions of the WARP-spacecraft, we are facing one very interesting thing. Those wheel-shaped systems could be equipped with the opposite rotating rotors, that could rise them to high above the ground. 

The system would be at least an interplanetary helicopter, which can rotate and hover in the atmosphere. That kind of system has also the capacity to interplanetary or interstellar flight. This kind of thing is one of the most interesting ideas in history. 

The principle of the WARP-drive can be turned to an electromagnetic weapon. 

This kind of spacecraft could be silent, and they can operate from the regular airfields. The rotors would raise them to the high atmosphere, and then the WARP-drive would allow them to rise those crafts to space. The problem with magnet dynamic drive is that they are using ions to make thrust. If those ions would hit to the electric circuits, they are causing over-voltage and shortcuts. 

So this is one of the reasons, why MDD (Magnet Dynamic Drive) is interesting people, who are making military equipment. If those ions would hit things like drone swarms, they are causing a similar effect with the EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse). So if the WARP-drive would turn to the electromagnetic weapon, that will bring the big ammo over the battlefield, which can be used to destroy the electric components from the systems. 

The helicopter drone that might be more effective than any drone before

There is a possibility to make another type of wheel-shaped laser system by using drone technology. In this kind of system, the radial lasers would pump the energy to the central laser, but the system would be like a conventional Kamov-type helicopter. The opposite rotating rotors would be both sides of the lasers, and that helps to keep the temperature low enough. The lasers could be gas- or some solid lasers, where the system would pump the energy to the central laser. 

So this is a more conventional system than some spacecraft. And the system bases the traditional technology. This kind of drone could be released over the battlefield, and it can terminate the targets by using a high power laser system. When we are thinking about images of the wheel-shaped space stations and other kinds of things, we are forgetting that the same models can work with more traditional systems than some spacecraft. 
