What is the thing behind the "mirror universe" theory?
But one part of that theory is that when the universes are born, the giant singularity will scratch in two pieces. That means that the universes are always born in pairs. So when the singularity, that formed our universe blew, that thing formed two bubbles, and the asset is similar to the "Hourglass Nebula, what is in the image above this text. And that thing has caused a theory, that there is somewhere the other universe.
There are billions of people, who don't know about the mirror universe theory. Or they know about the theory of another universe, where time moves backward, and the reason for that is that at the beginning of time and universe. Just after the Big Bang, some particles traveled with the speed, which was the 300 000 m/s.
Then the quantum fields just dropped the speed of the light to the 299 792 458 m / s, and those particles, what are called tachyons would be left in their universe, and because the speed of tachyons is higher than the speed of the light, but they ever can travel slower than the speed of the light. The reason, why tachyons are traveling faster than the speed of the light is that tachyons are born in their universe, so they must not cross the speed of the light. And they are "living" in the universe, where everything travels faster than the speed of the light.
So that universe would be formed before the atoms, and that is the only thing, that we know about that world. The reason for the time, what moves backward is that because the speed of the light is the point, where time is stopped, and if something would travel faster than the speed of the light the time would travel backward.
When we are talking about the mirror-universes there are theories about the other universes. Those theories include ideas that the Big Bang what formed our universe was one of the many giant explosions, and that means that there is an endless number of universes. So the universes are like bubbles, what are formed after the Big Bangs, and the theory of what is called "Multiverse theory" claimes that there are many other bubbles, called universes.
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