The fractal theory
What if we can connect Poincaré conjecture and fractal formulas?
The Poincaré conjecture
The idea of the Poincaré conjecture is that every form in the universe can be calculated by using mathematical formulas. In this kind of thing, the most interesting problem has been proven the thing, that this kind of formula is possible to create. The Poincaré conjecture is one of the most brilliant things in the world. But it has one little weakness, and it is that it can calculate only solid forms. So we can connect the fractal formula (2) to the Poincaré conjecture, and that allows us to create the animated presentation of the forming of the form.
This kind of calculation can be used to calculate very complicated forms and structures, which can be used in advanced machinery. By using the Poincaré conjecture the CAD program can automatize the forming of the very complicated things in the machines, and that thing opens new ways to operate by using artificial intelligence. The thing is that artificial intelligence can connect the infrared images of the machines, what are in use to the calculation software.
Poincaré conjecture can use to calculate the advancing groups of humans or bugs if it is connected to the fractal program.
And the infrared images can uncover the points, where the stress of the machine is the highest, and this thing means that the use of certain raw materials like wolfram can limit in those parts of the machine.
when the parts must make to stand the extreme airflow or what must have a certain form, the CAD can use the Poincaré conjecture to calculate the smallest details to the tings like stealth aircraft turbine shields. But when the Poincaré conjecture is connected to the fractal program that thing can calculate the forms of the groups of humans. That kind of computer program can calculate the changing of the form of riots and that can benefit also the police force.
What if we would create the combination of the Poincaré conjecture and fractal geometry. If we can connect those formulas, we can calculate also living forms in the universe. This theory is the thing, which means that the forming of every form in the universe could have a mathematical presentation and the thing, what is needed in there is the form, what forming we can follow and where we can compare the mathematical formulas. One of the things is that the formulas of the fractals are the forms, what is repeating again and again.
So if the scientists could create the form, what is looking like some galaxy by using the fractal mathematical formulas, they can create the formula, what would predict the forming of the galaxy, and the thing is that this kind of formulas is really interesting tools. The idea of the fractal formulas is that they could use to calculate the forming of almost every chemical combination in the world.
The fractal formulas are a really interesting thing because they can calculate the forming of crystals and other things. And this kind of things is really good tools in the theoretical research of the forms and mathematics. And they can be a really good thing, what we can use for calculating every form in the universe. The difference between fractals and Poincaré conjecture is that the fractals are calculating the chancing or living from. But it can be connected to Poincaré conjecture when it would calculate the form of the humans or bugs.
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