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Criticism and science

Criticism and science

In the beginning, I must say, that the scientist, who makes science by using research. Or rather saying methods, what is accepted for the empiric research. That means that the results of experiments must be got from the tests, which is repeated in a similar environment. And that is confirmed by the other scientists and other laboratories. After multiple tests, the result can be accepted as the scientific truth.

We all have the freedom to use our brains. This is the thing, what we always forget. We must understand that in the past the scientists made mistakes, and the thing, what makes science very trusted is that scientists can accept that they don't know everything. Or why we have researchers?

Thank god we don't know everything because if that thing happens sometimes, many researchers would be lost their jobs. So when we are making calculations and other formulas, we must realize that the persons, who lived before us might make mistakes, so the scientific community must confess those mistakes.

We can get mercy by saying that the errors made the people, who lived before us. So the error was not made by us. And this thing is freeing us from blaming. That means that the scientists who lived 200 years ago had more limited changes and equipment that modern scientists have. This means that the more accurate methods and equipment are finding errors from many things, what we are thought of as a truism.

The criticism is not a synonym for negative or bad. When we are thinking about scientists, we must realize that the scientist is a human being, who has opinions and ideology as well as other people. And that means those people might make mistakes by accident or they can polarize the results of the measurements or experiment.

That thing is natural, and even the best scientists and philosophers in the world are making mistakes if they are writing some text at three o'clock in the morning, or they are looking for some spectroscope in sniffle and fewer. Or those people have faced personal problems like divorcement what disturbs the concentration, and sometimes the researcher is more or less forced to give wrong information about the experiments because of some other part like rulers want that science must support their ideology.

Those cases many people have hurt and blamed without reason. And that is the thing, why scientists should have a high level of morality. Giving wrong information can destroy the lives of many people.

And in those cases, there is made the most brutal crimes, what mankind has ever made. So the science must be public, and the publicity would remove the suspicious. But there is always a possibility, that the person would let other people bribe them to make something, what is wrong.

Cambridge analytics and political "hamburger university".

Sometimes I have thought things like Cambridge Analytics, the use of the names, what are easy to connect with universities, but what are the political movements and parties. Those things are like a political version of some kind of the "hamburger universities" or "salesmen universities" what is using that kind of name, but what is owned by the fast-food restaurants or some sales companies.

In the mind of the people, Cambridge Analytics is connected with the University of Cambridge, and that thing helps it to make people answer to its question forms. So that makes this kind of companies feel very academical, and it gives a very big benefit for the company, what is or was some kind of advertising agency. Those forms made collecting the data easier because people trusted that the company was part of the University of Cambridge, and that made it possible to adjust the speeches, what the candidates kept for people, that they could get a maximum number of votes.

The purpose of the political version of those "universities" is to produce actors like speech writers or political marketing merchandise for some political movement. And some people claim that the purpose of those institutes is only acting like a troll factory. The people are trained for supporting the ideology, or the data that is collected serving only one actor in the political field, but the names of those institutes are bringing the mind some very respected university.



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