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The story about the men and women, who hide their background

Leonardo's tank (Wikipedia)

The story about the men and women, who hide their background

Below this text is an article, what tells the story of Alma Pihl, woman, who made many pieces of jewelry for the Russian emperor's family. And the interesting thing was that the woman hide her identity when she moved to Finland after the Russian revolution in 1917. That story has brought in my mind that question about the things, that how many artists have hidden their identity during the lifetime. When we are thinking about famous artists like Leonardo da Vinci, we must realize that those men and women might not very well be known during their lifetime.

There is a possibility that many other artists have been really unknown during their lifetime. And the thing is that Vincent Van Gogh didn't sell a single painting during his lifetime supports that theory. But let's go to think about the most famous artist in the world. Leonardo da Vinci was a professional painter, who painted many masterpieces, and the thing is that this man wrote the texts by using a mirror. This thing would tell one thing about the working of this artist. The thing is that he painted some paintings under the supervision of some other person.

Are some paintings, what Leonardo made, actually the works, what was made for customers?

When we are thinking about the persons like Leonardo they might be a little bit difficult persons, but when somebody ordered the painting from them, those people must be work as the customer servants. That meant that some of those people might give orders about the things, what that master must do in the painting.

And maybe the mirror writing was meant for those people, that they can follow the work of the master from distance. I think that in some paintings like "The Last Supper" there could be somebody, who gave an order of the characters for that painting. But I don't know how much instructions people usually gave Leonardo, who was actually also an engineer. And the machines what Leonardo created were secrets of the state. The artist was good covert work for the weapon developer, who invented things like aircraft and tank.

Actually, Leonardo created other things than paintings. That man invented the tank and aircraft, what was shoot to airborne by using the giant crossbow, and those inventions could revolutionize the warfare. Maybe Leonardo da Vinci created the idea that his aircraft of the glider was shot over some city, and then the crew has dropped the container, what was filled with gunpowder to the city. That idea could be very interesting in the eyes of the noblemen.
