Trusting people is the thing, what is normally misunderstood in the working life
The trust is the thing, what is so nice thing, and it's very easy to use in the wrong purposes. In the modern working life, the key element is the teamwork, and that is the thing, where trusting other people are in a very important role. And then if we would be a little bit suspicious in that situation, we must understand that sometimes we are facing the situation, that somebody misuses trust in the teamwork.
The thing is sometimes feeling better for asking things about the behavior of the team member or henchman from the workmates. That would be more comfortable than speak with the other person face to face. And asking things from another person would feel also the way to get "real information" by asking things from other people. But that kind of thing would cause cheating in the working community.
One of the most important things in the trust is that thing would not form in one minute, and building the trust can take the lifetime, but as you might know, the trust can break in one minute. This is a big problem in working life because if the trust is once broken, there would be no change to win it back. If the close friend would treat somebody, that might cause the inmate has no ability to trust other people. And that means this person needs some kind of help.
But what the offered help could be? The thing that the person is unable to trust other people will cause that the therapies would be failed because the person believes, that therapist will tell the things to other people. If the person cannot trust other people, that would cause many problems in personal and professional life. But when we are talking about wealthy trust, we are talking about that we should not trust other people in some cases, because the thief and traitors would play the trusting games.
Those games are like "you don't trust me if you don't do something like drinking the liquid from the bottle, what another person would offer. And in the worst cases, the thing is that the person would agitate the partner to point the loaded pistol to own head, and then pull the trigger, and in the worst cases, the other person has been loaded that gun.
If we would think the situation in the point of view of the intruder, that person would approach some team member, and play that their workmate has psychiatric problems, and then tell that the victim would not actually understand the own condition, and that would help that intruder to slip in the workplace. That means that the intruder might have the knowledge, what is needed when the place of the victim is released, and in that case, the opportunity and motive would cause, that couple of pills will slip in the coffee of the victim.
And then the workplace would separate the victim because the psychotic symptoms cause problems for the workplace, and that kind of problems would better handle somewhere else, because working life is not for mentally ill persons, and then the place in the corporation will be released. And in those cases, we always should ask the motive, why somebody wants to help the community? Does that person have own motives for that thing, and one of those motives could be that the released place would give the reason to send the application to that company? So think carefully, before you trust somebody, who you ever met before something bad would happen.
The trust is the thing, what is so nice thing, and it's very easy to use in the wrong purposes. In the modern working life, the key element is the teamwork, and that is the thing, where trusting other people are in a very important role. And then if we would be a little bit suspicious in that situation, we must understand that sometimes we are facing the situation, that somebody misuses trust in the teamwork.
The thing is sometimes feeling better for asking things about the behavior of the team member or henchman from the workmates. That would be more comfortable than speak with the other person face to face. And asking things from another person would feel also the way to get "real information" by asking things from other people. But that kind of thing would cause cheating in the working community.
One of the most important things in the trust is that thing would not form in one minute, and building the trust can take the lifetime, but as you might know, the trust can break in one minute. This is a big problem in working life because if the trust is once broken, there would be no change to win it back. If the close friend would treat somebody, that might cause the inmate has no ability to trust other people. And that means this person needs some kind of help.
But what the offered help could be? The thing that the person is unable to trust other people will cause that the therapies would be failed because the person believes, that therapist will tell the things to other people. If the person cannot trust other people, that would cause many problems in personal and professional life. But when we are talking about wealthy trust, we are talking about that we should not trust other people in some cases, because the thief and traitors would play the trusting games.
Those games are like "you don't trust me if you don't do something like drinking the liquid from the bottle, what another person would offer. And in the worst cases, the thing is that the person would agitate the partner to point the loaded pistol to own head, and then pull the trigger, and in the worst cases, the other person has been loaded that gun.
If we would think the situation in the point of view of the intruder, that person would approach some team member, and play that their workmate has psychiatric problems, and then tell that the victim would not actually understand the own condition, and that would help that intruder to slip in the workplace. That means that the intruder might have the knowledge, what is needed when the place of the victim is released, and in that case, the opportunity and motive would cause, that couple of pills will slip in the coffee of the victim.
And then the workplace would separate the victim because the psychotic symptoms cause problems for the workplace, and that kind of problems would better handle somewhere else, because working life is not for mentally ill persons, and then the place in the corporation will be released. And in those cases, we always should ask the motive, why somebody wants to help the community? Does that person have own motives for that thing, and one of those motives could be that the released place would give the reason to send the application to that company? So think carefully, before you trust somebody, who you ever met before something bad would happen.
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