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The finding of the planet remains near one white dwarf would cause some terrible visions of the future

Image: NASA

The finding of the planet remains near one white dwarf would cause some terrible visions of the future

When we are thinking about the evolution, we would someday face the level of the genetic homogenous, that we would be like sisters and brothers in a genetic point of view the things. Even if we humans would not destroy ourselves with nuclear weapons and polluting the entire planet, we would someday use all combinations in the DNA molecules, what is making us different, and then out entire population would be in the risk by facing the virus or bacteria, what will terminate entire of our population.

In fact, if we would someday start to manipulate our own genomes and control the evolution for getting more possibilities of connecting the nucleoids together, we would face the evolution level, that we will transform the other species. But if we would face the limit of those combinations, would there be some epidemics, what will terminate the entire population. And if we would live long enough as the species, we might face the situation, that the sun would start to transform the red giant. That means that we can move to other planets and moons because the habitable zone of the star is moving outwards because the star is growing.

Then it will wear out to end its fuel and then it will blast as the nova or supernova. Nova or supernova will destroy the entire solar system, and then the human race, what might look like a little bit different, what we are looking like now, would move to other solar systems, by using giant spacecraft, what will travel in the space about the speed of a couple of percents of the speed of the light.

And those spacecraft missions would find the new planetary system, what would offer us the new habitable world. In the spacecraft, the genetic diversity would be in the primary element in the survivability of the travelers, what will travel in the space somewhere in the distant future. This scenario is caused also some terrible visions in the mind of cosmologists.

In the spacecraft, the key role while traveling in the space is genetic engineering. The thing is that by using genetic technology and connecting the genomes from the other species, we might get more combinations in the DNA molecule, and this would save our civilization until the sun has been exploded as the Nova, what causes the forming of the White Dwarf. That kind of star is forming in the situation, where the mass of the star is too low for creating the neutron star or black holes. The thing is that there are no endemic nuclear reactions in the white star would have bought in the minds of cosmologists that there could be life forms on the surface of the white dwarfs, what has been cooled enough.

But the temperature of the surface of those carbonite stars would decrease in a very long period and takes billions of years that the temperature of the surface of the exploded star would be so low, that the cells can live on it. Also, that white dwarf must also start to orbit another star. And this would be the thing, what puts brakes to look for intelligent civilizations, what is living on the white dwarfs. This situation would be very extraordinary, but it's possible.

Scientists are found the planet remains of the planets near one white dwarf, and that would seem quite interesting in the point of view of the SETI-program. The white dwarf is the result of the end of the stars, which are similar to our sun, and that means that those planets would have intelligent life forms, what are much more advanced than we are.

And if the hypothetical civilization would reach the necessary technical level, it would move to the space stations and transform those space stations to the interstellar spacecraft. In this scenario, the intelligent life form would live in its own solar system, until the middle star is exploding, and then the civilization would be forced to leave their home solar system. And those spacecraft, what that civilization would make will be huge. The explosion of the center star of the solar system would create the "grasshopper-civilization".

One of the most hazardous things, what SETI has ever imagined. "Grasshopper civilization" would have forced to leave their home planet, and then those giant spacecraft would travel in the universe looking for the next solar system, what can be colonized. But during the long journey in the space, what will take even millenniums that civilization would be lost contact with the planets, and then they would arrive at another solar system. Those hypothetical aliens would seem the planets as the dirty places, where are only bacteria, which could destroy the entire population.

And that's why those aliens would use robots to collect genetic material from those planets, for modifying the bodies of those aliens, what would be extremely weak, and they would not have a chance to live any planet in the universe. Because those aliens would not have a relationship with planets, except as the material sources they could target the extreme powerful radio- or ion ray in the nucleus of the planet, and then use the particles what they can collect to fixing their spacecraft.


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