1. What could we do with bacteria, what can take a certain form?
In the nanotechnology, the living organism and machine would be connected together. In the real world, the bacteria can be used as the nanomachine, which would be used to form the wires on the electric components. In this case, the bacteria can be put the small piece of metal, and then those bacteria would travel in the nutrient lines, what are put on the electric circuits.
That means that the bacteria would be dropped on the bacteria and the electric wires can be drawn to the surface by using a pen, where is the nutrient. And then the rest of the bacteria would die, and the bacteria that are in the place of the nutrient lines would stay alive. And then those bacteria would be killed, and the metal bites would form the electric wires to the component. Those metal bites would look like a little string, and when the bacteria would die, the rings will touch together.
The idea is that the only bacteria what is on the place, where is the nutrient can touch the layer, and the rest of those bacteria would wash away. That means that in the place of the nutrient must get a rough place because the bacteria must take contact on the layer, and then hold on that surface.
2. String looking metal bites would form the wires on the components when bacteria would die
The component itself would cover with varnish, and then the nutrient or bacteria, what would be in the place, where is the nutrient would melt the varnish away from that place. The problem is to create the layer, where bacteria can wash away if they are not in a certain place on the component, where the wire must be formed.
The thing would be made by using layer, what would be slippery, but the nutrient would make the bacteria create the acid or the nutrient itself contains the enzymes or some other chemical, what will break the surface layer, and uncover the rough surface under that varnish. The bacteria can touch that layer, and then they can be terminated by using the UV-light. The metal bites would look like little string, and when the bacteria would die, those metal bites would touch together, as I wrote at the beginning of this text.
3. Did FrantiŔek Kupka try to teach bacteria to take the form, what that man draw?
The famous avant garde-artist FrantiŔek Kupka (1871-1957) had one little hobby, and that thing is that this man was very interesting about science, and he owned the microscope. Also, that man created bacteria cultures, what he observed. We all know that persons like Kupka are really interesting, and they might have interesting ideas, and maybe Kupka used the nutrient for making bacteria grow in a certain form. When we are thinking about that man's final work, there are interesting years below the signature, and they are 1913-1957, and there is a possibility.
That the man kept some bacteria cultures in the isolated dish, where they would create the own population, and that kind of tests are actually very dangerous. The reason for that is that those bacteria would degenerate in that isolation, and that thing would transform the genomes as the way, what could transform those bacteria very dangerous.
3. Never do this at home
Because if the multiple bacteria species would be in the same culture, they would change genomes, and in that process, the bacteria would transform in the very dangerous form. In that process, the core antigen of the bacteria can remain looking like the harmless bacteria but the genomes would be the dangerous bacteria. The thing is that the immune system would recognize the bacteria by its antigens and if the immune system would not be warned by the antigens, the bacteria can destroy the entire body of that victim, and the immune system would not even react to that attack against human cells.
If we would act and think the using the extraordinary methods as Kupka did, that man might be tried to make bacteria, what would follow the forms, that this man draw. Here I must say that the testing some things doesn't mean that the test would be successfully completed, but maybe Kupka put the nutrient in the certain forms in the dish, and maybe he got ideas of those forms and colors, what the bacterias take in the culture medium.
1. What could we do with bacteria, what can take a certain form?
In the nanotechnology, the living organism and machine would be connected together. In the real world, the bacteria can be used as the nanomachine, which would be used to form the wires on the electric components. In this case, the bacteria can be put the small piece of metal, and then those bacteria would travel in the nutrient lines, what are put on the electric circuits.
That means that the bacteria would be dropped on the bacteria and the electric wires can be drawn to the surface by using a pen, where is the nutrient. And then the rest of the bacteria would die, and the bacteria that are in the place of the nutrient lines would stay alive. And then those bacteria would be killed, and the metal bites would form the electric wires to the component. Those metal bites would look like a little string, and when the bacteria would die, the rings will touch together.
The idea is that the only bacteria what is on the place, where is the nutrient can touch the layer, and the rest of those bacteria would wash away. That means that in the place of the nutrient must get a rough place because the bacteria must take contact on the layer, and then hold on that surface.
2. String looking metal bites would form the wires on the components when bacteria would die
The component itself would cover with varnish, and then the nutrient or bacteria, what would be in the place, where is the nutrient would melt the varnish away from that place. The problem is to create the layer, where bacteria can wash away if they are not in a certain place on the component, where the wire must be formed.
The thing would be made by using layer, what would be slippery, but the nutrient would make the bacteria create the acid or the nutrient itself contains the enzymes or some other chemical, what will break the surface layer, and uncover the rough surface under that varnish. The bacteria can touch that layer, and then they can be terminated by using the UV-light. The metal bites would look like little string, and when the bacteria would die, those metal bites would touch together, as I wrote at the beginning of this text.
3. Did FrantiŔek Kupka try to teach bacteria to take the form, what that man draw?
The famous avant garde-artist FrantiŔek Kupka (1871-1957) had one little hobby, and that thing is that this man was very interesting about science, and he owned the microscope. Also, that man created bacteria cultures, what he observed. We all know that persons like Kupka are really interesting, and they might have interesting ideas, and maybe Kupka used the nutrient for making bacteria grow in a certain form. When we are thinking about that man's final work, there are interesting years below the signature, and they are 1913-1957, and there is a possibility.
That the man kept some bacteria cultures in the isolated dish, where they would create the own population, and that kind of tests are actually very dangerous. The reason for that is that those bacteria would degenerate in that isolation, and that thing would transform the genomes as the way, what could transform those bacteria very dangerous.
3. Never do this at home
Because if the multiple bacteria species would be in the same culture, they would change genomes, and in that process, the bacteria would transform in the very dangerous form. In that process, the core antigen of the bacteria can remain looking like the harmless bacteria but the genomes would be the dangerous bacteria. The thing is that the immune system would recognize the bacteria by its antigens and if the immune system would not be warned by the antigens, the bacteria can destroy the entire body of that victim, and the immune system would not even react to that attack against human cells.
If we would act and think the using the extraordinary methods as Kupka did, that man might be tried to make bacteria, what would follow the forms, that this man draw. Here I must say that the testing some things doesn't mean that the test would be successfully completed, but maybe Kupka put the nutrient in the certain forms in the dish, and maybe he got ideas of those forms and colors, what the bacterias take in the culture medium.
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