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Showing posts from November, 2019

How to teach robots to follow spoken orders?

How to teach robots to follow spoken orders?  The idea of machine learning is the same as the people way to learn things, and that's why computer game-style platforms are very interesting things to teach robots. The action or learning process is similar, what is used to teaching dogs. The robot must connect spoken words to some actions, what the programmer can do with it.  And this makes possible to make robots, which are understanding spoken language. This method is suitable for every kind of robot, and the idea is that the words are connected to recorded actions, so when the programmers are teaching the robot to open the door, they might say "open the door" and then they would transfer to use the virtual workspace, where they can use data gloves and probably Virtual Reality glasses, and make the action by using the virtual movements by using character, what is similar what is seen in the computer games. After the system has been successfully recorded th...

The hybridization of the living organism and machine.

The hybridization of the living organism and machine. Prologue: the abductions The abductions or UFO-kidnapping cases have caused some people, who are thinking about this kind of thing the reason might be the genetic experiment. But there might be some other thing, what the abductors would want from that person, who has been taken, or who have been visited. And that thing might be the memories, what those hypothetical abductors would use to create their tactics and equipment. In this scenario, the UFO would be the full hybridization of the living organism and machine. That means that the abductor itself might be some kind of drone, and the controller, what might be the creature, what is living in zero-gravity conditions would control that drone. But exactly we don't know what UFO:s would be, and the abductions remain a mystery. The thing is that the UFO might use the suction for pulling the targeted person into it, and that means that the famous "tractor ray"...

The post-stellar civilization

The post-stellar civilization Thoughts about the super civilizations In someday every star would end its life, and in that case, the entire planetary systems will be destroyed. But after the explosion in the planetary nebula could start forming the new planets, what are similar to earth, but what has different sky than we have. When we found the exoplanets orbiting the pulsar, we have created ideas of the post-stellar civilization. In those models, the civilization would notice the change of the star and take enough distance to explode star, and then that alien race would start to benefit the energy of the dead star. They can create massive centrifugal force cannons, which drives the material to the remaining of the star, and then that civilization would collect that energy by using the solar panels. So in this scenario, the civilization would just move to outer planets, when their star would start to expand. And then they would survive the explosion by evacuating to the spac...

The models of alien civilizations could be the civilization of humans in the distant future.

The models of alien civilizations could be the civilization of humans in the distant future.  During the interstellar flight, evolution has time to work When we are creating models of an alien civilization, we are also creating models, what our civilization might look like tomorrow, and if we are thinking about the possibility to create stable colonies in our solar system and farther in the universe. The thing is that sooner or later every each of the stars spends its nuclear fuel and if the star is like our sun, it would end it's life as a nova, which means that the end is as the white dwarf.  The bigger star would end it's life as a supernova. And if we are thinking this kind of thing at the point of view of evolution, that means that the citizens must flee from its planet or it must be terminated. In many models, the civilization can advance only in the planets, what is orbiting the yellow stars, what can live long enough. So the model could be wrong bec...

How to teach character in computer games?

How to teach character in computer games? When we are thinking about machine learning, computer games would be the right place to test and innovate that kind of thing. Computer games are one of the biggest parts of the world of computers, and when we are thinking about artificial intelligence, what would be an effective tool for making those games more realistic, interesting and difficult, we must think the method, what the programmer would use when that person would make the character learning things, what are important in the game. The thing is that the learning of the character would happen by a very effective method, where the movements of the most successful player would be recorded, and then that data would transfer to the automatized characters. That means that the system might copy the master player to the virtual characters. And then somebody would ask, how the master player would be selected. The answer is simple, in every scenario of the computer game are the charac...

The artificial intelligence in service of society

The artificial intelligence in service of society When we are talking and writing about artificial intelligence, we see only risks and hazards like bombs, and we don't see the great opportunities, what that kind of thing can offer. The thing is that artificial intelligence can alert the personnel if there are some people, who have problems with moving, or they have the signs of handicapped, and that would be told that the person needs special attention. The second thing what artificial intelligence can do with the society is collecting data from the traffic, and then the computers, what are controlling the traffic flow can turn the cars to the routes, where is no rush when the inner flow of the traffic would close the route. This kind of solution can disassemble the rush and make traffic more flowing and faster, which will decrease pollution. That means that the system would meter the time, what the driving to some point would take, and when the time of the drive would across...

The MiG-25 and MiG-31

The MiG-25 and MiG-31 The Russian MiG-25 (1) "Foxbat" and MiG-31(2) "Foxhound" fighters are officially the fastest combat aircraft in the world, and sometimes the aviation specialists have created the question, why those aircraft have been developed. The answer might be that the Russian planned to use them also in ASAT missions, as I have written before. And maybe they are planned to use the supersonic pressure air cone for terminating ground forces.  But there is still the question, are those aircraft, especially MiG-25 created only for one purpose, shoot down SR-71 "Blackbirds"?(3) Could some aircraft be so important, that there is created the own aircraft type against those aircraft? The MiG-25 is almost as fast as SR-71 "Blackbird", and the shootdown should be easy by using the AA-6 "Acrid" missiles, which were specially made for MiG-25 and later those missiles were installed also under the wing of MiG-31(4).  Or t...

Snow Globes and Dyson's spheres

Snow Globes and Dyson's spheres To this text is connected the image of the Snow Globe. Some inventors have created the idea to make the artificial gravity to spacecraft by using small bubbles, which are rotating the spacecraft on the top of the long tubes. In some drawings, those bubbles are looking like church bells, but as you know those things are the only hypothesis, that is made for theoretical purposes. When we are thinking about the extreme long spaceflights the fresh food is one of the most complicated things, because it's hard to grow vegetables in the zero-gravity conditions. So the idea is to install two greenhouses to the body of spacecraft, and they can rotate it on the top of the long tubes. If the greenhouse would be away from the crew cabins, that denies the danger, that some mushroom would start to expand in the cabin. And the things like hummus would not be released in the capsule, where the crew would stay, and destroy computers.  In the simplest...

Autonomous learning in language studies

Autonomous learning in language studies When we are thinking about the languages, they might be very hard to study. The thing in language studies is that the person who is learning translation or other kinds of things can use every material in the world, and that means that the movies or novels can use as material for learning the translation. If the material is comfortable that would mean, that the learning process feels good, and at the same time interesting, and if the learning process feels good, that would make learning more effective. A process where the object even doesn't understand or realize being a member of the learning process. In this method, the members of that process feel more comfortable than in the traditional process. In the autonomous learning process, the key element is that learning and teaching are happening automatically, and the person would feel that learning is part of the working life, or rather saying normal life. When we are thinking about the tra...

Holograms and animal protection

Holograms and animal protection We all have heard the "holographic universe", but that thing might be at least partially be the rumor. In real life, holograms can be used to train the animal's afraid things, what they should afraid of, and that thing would make the animals immune against predators, which might danger their lives. By using holograms, what are portraying threats, we can train the captured animals, what are released to the natural environment to afraid right things. When we are thinking about captured animals, they don't know the warning signs of their species, and that's why we could use the hologram that portraits the enemy of the released animal. Then they will connect the warning sign, what those species are using at the same time. Then the animal would get an electric shock. That means that those animals would connect the sign, which is recorded in nature to the hologram. The animals can train to avoid humans by using a hologram, whic...

Nanotechnology and protective clothes

Nanotechnology and protective clothes Maybe I have written about this thing before, but don't worry, I'm interested in this kind of thing. When we are thinking about the protective suits, that is created for the personnel, which are working under the threat of highly toxic chemicals. The thing is the problem with those suits is that they don't let the air go in, and that makes them very uncomfortable. But what if we would equip those suits with a ventilation system, what makes those suits ventilated. The answer would be in the small nanotubes, which are equipped with small flaps or another ventilation system. The idea is that the suit would allow that the air molecules could go through those tubes, but they would be too small for the molecules of poison gas. That would protect the used very effectively against chemical agents including nerve agents, what are normally passing the rubber. The thing is that if the toxic molecule is too big for the hole, that thing would pr...

Thoughts about RenƩ Descartes the man, who existed and thought

Thoughts about RenĆ© Descartes the man, who existed and thought RenĆ© Descartes (1) (1596-1650) was one of the most interesting persons, who has ever lived in Europe. He created an idea, that existence means that creature could think independently, and independence of thinking is the same thing, what the independence in life would be. So when creature thinks, that means creature exists. This idea is culminating in modern Artificial intelligence. Are we creating the machine, what exists, or what knows that it existed? This is a very interesting question because stones also exist but they don't know their existence. Or how could I know, does the stone know it's existence?  I can think that stone is so different creature, that we cannot even notice, it's alive. So for us, it's the creature, what is dead and that's it. The thing is that Descartes was one of the most interesting persons in the history culminates in his work as the teacher of the Queen of ...