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Why discussion with North Korea is important?

President Trump meets Kim Jong-Un again and this kind of meetings are very important if we want to democratize North Korea and it's a type of nations. The problem is that if we want to support democratic advantages in those countries, we should ask them to open themselves, but at the same time, we must justify the violation against human rights. And here is the problem. If we would leave those nations alone, they would seem silent and calm from outside of borders, but the internal situation might very far from the picture, what they give in the eyes of the foreigners.

The isolation makes crimes possible, and if the world turns away and leaves those nations alone, there would be change and attraction to make crimes, and the isolation of the Soviet Union made possible to accomplish the terror, what was made by Stalin and his secret police. If the world turns away, that will give chance to make brutalities, what would be not possible, if the nation would be open.

The thing in the isolated countries is that they are all undemocratic versions of the nations, and those countries have given very big stakes to the weapons of mass destruction. Those weapons are a very effective threat against attackers and own people. If the people would rebel, the nuclear weapon, what is hidden in some cities would end the rebellion immediately. The problem with nuclear weapons is, that they could use to annihilate and sterilize the chemical and biological weapons laboratories, which are sometimes hidden in underground tunnels.

The organisms like Cholera are an effective tool in the hands of a dictator, and if they are released in the water system, those organisms can be used in the extermination operations against the people, who are closed in the prison camps. There is also claiming that the "politically unstable" persons have been injected with AIDS, which means they can live only in the sterilized areas. Many of those stories have been probably told because of the willing to demonizing the enemy. But models of them have been made the real scientists. And the stories are made in the form of faked intelligence reports.

That means the bacteria has been removed from their intestines, which makes them addicted to special food. If this is true, the thing makes possible to control that person very easily. And if they would go out, that means death because of the lack of immune system. When we are thinking about cases of brutal human tests, we might think that this kind of things is a very good reason to research what kind of ways to control the information. Pollution itself is an effective tool to addict people for the food of the government.

Chemicals like waste oil make the landscape unable to agriculture and that means the government can control the food. And the thing about this kind of pollution is, that is very easy to explain for people. And the only thing, what is needed to say, is that the area is polluted by mistakenly wrong way handled chemicals. That would help the government to concentrate the food production in the areas, what it can control. There are rumors that there are massive plantations in the tunnels, which are below the landscape of North Korea, and those plantations are the ability to feed a large number of people in a long time. This thing would be true, or it would be a good example, how the closed areas are feeding the conspiracy theories,

Those plantations are meant for supporting troops, what will flee in those underground tunnels in the case of the war, and the thing is that there are many rumors about those tunnels, what are the most complex in the world. The rumor is based on the movie that is directed by Woody Allen, and in that movie, the people are living underground bases, where government control the information and claim that the Earth was highly polluted or they would live in another planet. The idea of that film has been created stories, that during some nuclear exercises, some people decided to close some military maniacs in the underground base, and that person would still live in those underground bunkers.

There is no proof or evidence that supports this kind of stories, but as we know that there are many versions of those stories or urban legends, what are connected to underground military areas, and in some legends those people, who closed in there were some German scientists. Here I must say that almost every nation has the own versions of this particular legend. And in Germany is people, who believed or at least told stories about the Nazi-leaders, who have closed themselves in the underground tunnels when Nazi-Germany lost the war in 1945. And in fact, those tunnels are sometimes located in Antartica but in other stories, they are located under the Alps.

Today similar stories are told about the bases of North Korea. And that thing is transferred to story about that the North Korean government have been closed some intelligent persons, whose parents have been chosen from the university staff, and made by using in vitriol Fertilization. After birth, the parents have been told that their children have died. Then those children would send to an underground base, and they have told that the world has been destructed by nuclear war, and they must live in an underground base. The entrance of the base would be sealed by using radioactive material.

But let's go back on the Earth and sunlight. At the last chapter, I must say, that there might be the real origin of those stories because Nazis have built massive underground complexes in underground tunnels. And some of those tunnels have remained secret until now, and that kind of things are feeding the myths and legends about this kind of things.  The thing is the highly toxic chemical waste like PCB or Dioxin is a very good tool to use as a chemical weapon. That chemical can mix with water and deliver over the targeted area.  The process of making this chemical is very easy to hide because it is waste, what is forming in the electric components. And the storage is easy to explain as the storages of the chemical waste.


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