About difference and society
We have all heard the stories about hate between the families. And sometimes I have thought that is the hate between two groups of people coming from the era of cavemen. And in this case, we must think the situation, that some caveman has slept during the guarding, and that was caused the hate between that individual and another group. And of course, the friends of that person would be non-tolerated in the group of the cavemen, which lived about 10 000 years ago. And is it possible that the hate between the families is coming from that group?
Of course, the individual, who slept in the guard has also prosecuted the other guards, that they were not waking him up, and that caused the fight between the families because those individuals forced their wives and children in their side. The human eye is an interesting organ because it turns to the target, what is different than others. The real and perfect way to write this thing is that the brains are separating the different things from the information, what our eyes bring to brains and those different things come to our knowledge easier than the things that are similar with others.
A reason for that ability is that that is a good way to separate leaders of the groups, and maybe that ability was forming when the caveman fought with Australopithecus apes and won them. Or at least, we are the species, what remains in life and Australopithecus send to history. The different looking persons were easier to mark at the other side, and then the group could attack them easier than the entire group, and the leaders were good targets for the bribes because they were leaders and easy to separate from the other group.
That is is one of the reasons, why everybody must look at the similar than others in the army or uniformed organization. Another is that the persons who look like similar would be easier to replace. The individual would stay in memory and cause problems because the other person cannot look like exactly that person. This would cause the leader can adhere to that person, this is why every low-rank military men must look exactly similar to the person next to him. That makes easier to sacrifice those men because they were part of the mass. And the team leaders have marked for their position. The ability to find the leader of the group is a very important thing when the own team prepares to fight. If the leader of the opponent is neutralized, they might go to panic or disorder, and that makes easier to cause fear on the other side.
The thing, what made somebody the leader of the group of cavemen is that individual knew the places, where that group could make the camp, and where to find the water. In that time the cavemen really lived in caves, and in the cold and long winters, they closed the entrance of the cave by using sand and stones. If there were allowed to find water in the cave, that villain could stay in that cave all long winter and wait for the spring. The leader of the team knew those caves, and that's why all group wanted to please that person.
And maybe the tradition of the headmen of the state is coming from that period. There is an interesting thought, what came in my mind, and if the tradition of the leadership is coming from the era of the cavemen, is it possible that the hate between the groups of people is coming also from that era. The thing is that would the reason for making murder coming from that far away from history.
The thing is that if the fear is in the heart of the leaders of the group, the opponent would not attack so easily. Maybe the way to make somebody the leader of the group has been so attractive, that even today we must have leaders of the nation to make decides how we must act. And of course, those leaders attract other leaders, what would follow the rulers. Sometimes is asked, why we must have rulers? But the way to act in the international or national environment is that somebody must become the leader of the nation, or there would be anarchy in the state.
When we are thinking about a democratic way to make orders, we must face one thing. Defending the scientific text is not a democratic thing. The thing what makes some things science is the cause of the simultaneous repeating happenings, what can be used for making theories, and theories must be proven true or false. The idea is not voting or organizing election campaigns are suitable for selection of the parliamentarians, but they are not a suitable way to defend the scientific text.
The thing in the scientific text must be proven, and in fact, we cannot be sure were the cavemen fought against Australopithecus. Or did those opponents have real leaders of the group, but the Cro-Magnon-cavemen had leaders. Or actually, we are those Cro-Magnon-people, who are learned to write and make other things, what are giving us the advantage and superior for the Australopithecus. But we can be sure that we somehow avoid contacting with different looking people than we are.
And maybe this kind of behavior is coming from the cavemen era. In that time different looking people meant that they were members of the competition team, and that means that they could be dangerous for the team, that knows the position of the source. Those palaces were wanted in the prehistoric period, and if the inner circle has leaked the location of that place would another group conquer that place. And if own team is weaker or the water is ended, the source would be gone forever.
We have all heard the stories about hate between the families. And sometimes I have thought that is the hate between two groups of people coming from the era of cavemen. And in this case, we must think the situation, that some caveman has slept during the guarding, and that was caused the hate between that individual and another group. And of course, the friends of that person would be non-tolerated in the group of the cavemen, which lived about 10 000 years ago. And is it possible that the hate between the families is coming from that group?
Of course, the individual, who slept in the guard has also prosecuted the other guards, that they were not waking him up, and that caused the fight between the families because those individuals forced their wives and children in their side. The human eye is an interesting organ because it turns to the target, what is different than others. The real and perfect way to write this thing is that the brains are separating the different things from the information, what our eyes bring to brains and those different things come to our knowledge easier than the things that are similar with others.
A reason for that ability is that that is a good way to separate leaders of the groups, and maybe that ability was forming when the caveman fought with Australopithecus apes and won them. Or at least, we are the species, what remains in life and Australopithecus send to history. The different looking persons were easier to mark at the other side, and then the group could attack them easier than the entire group, and the leaders were good targets for the bribes because they were leaders and easy to separate from the other group.
That is is one of the reasons, why everybody must look at the similar than others in the army or uniformed organization. Another is that the persons who look like similar would be easier to replace. The individual would stay in memory and cause problems because the other person cannot look like exactly that person. This would cause the leader can adhere to that person, this is why every low-rank military men must look exactly similar to the person next to him. That makes easier to sacrifice those men because they were part of the mass. And the team leaders have marked for their position. The ability to find the leader of the group is a very important thing when the own team prepares to fight. If the leader of the opponent is neutralized, they might go to panic or disorder, and that makes easier to cause fear on the other side.
The thing, what made somebody the leader of the group of cavemen is that individual knew the places, where that group could make the camp, and where to find the water. In that time the cavemen really lived in caves, and in the cold and long winters, they closed the entrance of the cave by using sand and stones. If there were allowed to find water in the cave, that villain could stay in that cave all long winter and wait for the spring. The leader of the team knew those caves, and that's why all group wanted to please that person.
And maybe the tradition of the headmen of the state is coming from that period. There is an interesting thought, what came in my mind, and if the tradition of the leadership is coming from the era of the cavemen, is it possible that the hate between the groups of people is coming also from that era. The thing is that would the reason for making murder coming from that far away from history.
The thing is that if the fear is in the heart of the leaders of the group, the opponent would not attack so easily. Maybe the way to make somebody the leader of the group has been so attractive, that even today we must have leaders of the nation to make decides how we must act. And of course, those leaders attract other leaders, what would follow the rulers. Sometimes is asked, why we must have rulers? But the way to act in the international or national environment is that somebody must become the leader of the nation, or there would be anarchy in the state.
When we are thinking about a democratic way to make orders, we must face one thing. Defending the scientific text is not a democratic thing. The thing what makes some things science is the cause of the simultaneous repeating happenings, what can be used for making theories, and theories must be proven true or false. The idea is not voting or organizing election campaigns are suitable for selection of the parliamentarians, but they are not a suitable way to defend the scientific text.
The thing in the scientific text must be proven, and in fact, we cannot be sure were the cavemen fought against Australopithecus. Or did those opponents have real leaders of the group, but the Cro-Magnon-cavemen had leaders. Or actually, we are those Cro-Magnon-people, who are learned to write and make other things, what are giving us the advantage and superior for the Australopithecus. But we can be sure that we somehow avoid contacting with different looking people than we are.
And maybe this kind of behavior is coming from the cavemen era. In that time different looking people meant that they were members of the competition team, and that means that they could be dangerous for the team, that knows the position of the source. Those palaces were wanted in the prehistoric period, and if the inner circle has leaked the location of that place would another group conquer that place. And if own team is weaker or the water is ended, the source would be gone forever.
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