Russian government have been introduced its electronic warfare capacity and jammed the NATO GPS systems during the exercises. And this kind of actions might be something, what uncovers the technologies and other capacities of the EMP- and other EW or electronic warfare systems, and that kind of demonstration might cause that those EW systems can counter-jam or in the secrecy would be created new kind of versions of GPS, what is much more difficult to jam. In this case, we must remember old Chinese wisdom, that any weapons must not use for anything. This kind of systems would make possible to avoid jamming systems in real warfare, and that kind of systems, what bases the jumping frequencies or laser systems, would that cause nasty surprise in the battlefield.
Next generation GPS systems might bases the laser technology, and the laser would send the signal to photo recon satellite, which locates the laser point on the map, and then it would happen by sending the image from satellite camera straight back to the ground system. In this case, the system uses laser light, which is more difficult to jam than the radio frequencies. Also, the system might be hybrid, which means that it would use a very short period but powerful and well-targeted MASER signals to send the location of the GPS.
And the thing is that the digital maps, what are used in this kind of systems might be equipped with the same points, what are in able to found in nature. This makes possible to point a person in the digital map very fast. And the needed data would send very fast. Also, the system can ask the coordinates by using a laser, but the answer will get by radios. But the very small size inertial navigation systems might be very useful in the operations, where is the risk of GPS jamming.
Those systems might be so small that they could put in the pocket and that means that they can be a suitable solution for navigation in the area, where the GPS would not work. That equipment might have screens where is the world map, and the computer would calculate the location, and in fact, this system might be used along with GPS. If the system wants to make sure it's the position, it would ask the GPS signal Or for the location would use ground-based radio-transmitters what location is very well known, and when the system requests the location, the antennas would track it by using triangulation. Then they can calculate the location of the mobile system and after that send the coordinates of that device to the receiver. The location can set the system manually or for that thing can be used integrated systems, that includes GPS and inertial navigation system.
That means that the small size inertial systems, what are used also in the rockets would be located at a certain point on the Earth. And then the inertial or gyroscope navigation system would just mark the road, what the system travels. The beginning point of the navigation might be in everywhere on the Earth and after that, the nanotechnological version of gyroscope navigation system might be used as GPS, but it would be more difficult to jam. And those systems size might be like soap bite. What allows to carry them even in the pocket.
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