There is the way to make microchip where is no need for physical wires, and in this microprocessor, the entire communication will happen by using radio waves or plasma. The size of those systems will be very large, and that is one reason, why they are not commonly used. I have written about those solutions earlier, and the size of them would be like some kind of house. That thing would allow creating fundamental microchips but the problem is the size of those processors.
But in fact, there is a thing, what we must realize, the model of the Internet is like some kind of microcircuit, and when we are thinking about the microprocessors, what internal architecture is based in the radio-transmissions or plasmoid channels, we must realize that those microprocessors would be easier to build, than some light operating versions. The radio waves are actually the electricity, and if they would transmit to the receiver, they can give the electricity to that system.
If we would want to use radio waves or plasma as the wires of the microcircuit or in the internal architecture of the microprocessors, we must make those things very large. Or we must create very small size radio-masers, and the thing what makes those solutions very interesting is, that they would allow keeping the temperature in the microcircuit very low.
The light-transistor or light operated microchip would use laser-light for transmitting the data inside the processor, and the photovoltaic cell will transfer the light to electricity. In fact, the lasers can use in the normal-size microcircuits, but the microprocessors itself must be equipped with lasers, which are made by using nanotechnology. In fact, that means very small laser components like small sized mirrors and crystals. Also, lightning tubes must be very small in size.
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