ISIS is dead, but it can be very problematic in the future, and the thing is, that it would become the Middle East version of IRA, what will sometimes make the terror strikes against people, who have opposite opinions. This is the problem with all those radical groups. They would get successors, what will portrait those terrorists as the heroes of the Islamic world. And the thing, what will help those organizations recruit people are the bad political- and economic situations.
An uneducated person is a very good target for the recruiters of the radical organizations, and the arguments, what those people use is that the group would be great if the people will take the arms and obey their masters. This kind of way to think is the best way to support terrorism and dictators. The thing what makes terrorists is political corruption and violent police force, what have only one mission to destroy the political opposition.
The argument for the dictator is to offer stable conditions and the best way to get secure the position is to use military forces in that purpose. And the thing, how to make sure, that the military force is loyal is to make those persons hated and use mercenaries in those missions. For that thing would the leader need weapons, what has been bought from the west or east, but how to secure the shipments of effective weapons like laser-guided bombs and anti-tank missiles?
Those weapons are more effective and easier to control than some AK-47. And the aircraft need fuel and spare parts more often than some jeep, and the pilots would not need any commando-training. That makes air force an effective tool to use against rebellious troops because those pilots are easier to control than some commando-squad. The chemical weapons are also easier to deliver from the aircraft than artillery, and the aircraft is faster than some artillery unit.
The chemical component like VX can hide in the normal bomb or rocket, and it would be very lethal and frightening weapon, but the problem is, that if the leaders of the nation would want the supply for their assault planes, those persons need something, what would justify other nations to give support for that equipment. And the war against terrorism is the good reason for asking military aid from the western world.
Chemical weapons are a very effective tool for controlling people, but the problem is that those weapons are hard to control. If in some military base would be installed the nerve-gas capsules, what would deliver the chemical agent in the air, the atropine would be very effective against that weapon. And other chemical agents effects slower. If the person is dying, would that cause that the pilot would take the aircraft, and make kamikaze-strike to the leaders home.
Also, wind can blow those chemicals out from the base, and if there will be foreign victims would there be very much to explain That's why nuclear weapons are so wanted thing. There is no way to protect people by the simple way if in the base is hired a nuclear weapon. That weapon would turn every equipment in the ash, and that would make easy to secure those bases. And if that base would be somewhere in the desert, it would not even be noticed. Low-yield nuclear weapons can also be used to secure the biological and chemical weapon laboratories and production plants because the very high temperature would destroy the organisms and chemicals in that area.
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