The ability to reprogram cells gives many new opportunities for medical and other kinds of sciences.
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The ability to reprogram cells gives many new opportunities for medical and other kinds of sciences.
The ability to reprogram cells is giving new fundamental opportunities for medical science. Reprogramming cells mean that their genomes are chanced and that change will turn those cells to another. The genome transfer has turned the skin cells into retina cells, and that thing restored the ability to see for the mice. So the reprogramming of the cells is giving an ability to make the new organs for the person.
The fact is that every organ cannot renew very easily, but things like the liver can renew quite "easily" by using the genome transfer to the person. In reprogramming of the cells is used the own cells of a person. And this thing opens new possibilities for the medical personnel. But the reprogramming of the cells can give researchers the ability to connect the genomes of other species to human cells.
That ability can make the researchers humans, who have super abilities. In that case, the DNA bite, what makes things like snakes immune against some poisons like botulinum toxin. In this case, the part of the reptilian DNA that involves the wanted ability would connect to the DNA of the targeted species. Then the synthetic DNA would be copied and then that DNA would inject into the nucleus of the cells. Then those cells would inject into the targeted species. Reprogramming of the cells is a "very easy" thing.
The DNA would remove from the cells, and then the DNA that is taken from other cells would inject into the cells that wanted to reprogram. This thing means that skin cells can turn to retina cells, liver cells, or even neurons. The fact is that the reprogramming of the cells can use to make neurons, what can use to replace the neurons, what is destroyed in accidents. But the problem is that the data, that is stored in those destroyed neurons are lost.
The abilities of the reprogramming of cells are unlimited.
The reprogramming cells of other species gives the ability to make the mosquitos, which are destroying other mosquitos. One version of this kind of cell manipulation is to make the gonads of the mosquitos to make the poison, which kills other mosquitos. If that mosquito is male, every attempt to mate would cause that the female mosquito would inject by poison or some parasite, and that thing causes the death of the population.
Of course problem is that this kind of thing can destroy the entire mosquito population. But that thing would work better than some DDT or some kind of virus. The male mosquitos that have genetically engineered gonads can destroy only the members of the wanted population. And that thing would save other bugs. The idea is to benefit the natural mating instinct to destroy the wanted species.
The most effective way is to transfer the genomes of the salivary gland to the prostate of the male mice. That thing causes that pepsins would release in the womb of the female mice and sterilize it.
And the fact is that this kind of genetic manipulation can also make other harmful species. The cells of the testis of mammals like mice can also genetically manipulate to produce some poison. In that case, the genetically manipulated mice would release into nature. When those mice would mate with females, that thing will cause that biomanipulation would cause that the pepsines would release to the womb of the females and that thing would sterilize them.
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