Solovetsky Monastery
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Solovetsky Monastery
One very interesting thing about the holy places on Earth is how those places were sacred? How the people, who decided the sanctify someplace made that decision? When we are looking at things like the Solovetsky Monastery(1) that place is about 30 kilometers over the White Sea. The Monastery is founded in 1436 by three Orthodox monks Herman of Solovki (?-1479) and Sabbatius (Savvaty)of Solovki) (?-1436)(3), Zosimas of Solovki (?-1478)(4), and Sabbattius might see the monastery ready. The thing is that those men were hermits, who were looking for peace, but the question is how those men choose the Solovki Islands for the place of their monastery? Was some saint live on that island?

Image II The icon of Herman of Solovki
And who was that saint? If we are returning to Heligoland (5) that name is translated to "The Land of Saint" or "Sacred land". (6)We might think one thing, what might be very interesting. Somebody would start the journey from Heligoland to Norway and follow the coast of that country, that person would sooner or later reach the White Sea coast. If our traveler would travel by following the coast, that person would reach the place, what is called "Papinsaari" or "Priests island".

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"Saints Zosima (left) and Savvatiy (right) with their lives. The 16th-century icon is now located in the Russian Museum, Saint-Petersburg, Russia." (Wikipedia)
There are 40 kilometers to the Solovetsky. The reason why I believe that traveler who would travel from Heligoland without the map or GPS would travel by following the coastline because there is water, what our traveler can use for drinking. There is a possibility that our travelers will use fire to separate salt from water, but the natural rivers are offering freshwater.
There is also fish for food but those persons can also use algae for food. But could some saint make that travel in real life? Maybe that person would travel from Heligoland to dying in the Solvetsky Islands, and the sky was probably very beautiful, because of the northern lights. But what was the reason, why that person went to that place? Did that person escape something? Or is this only my imagination?
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