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A new tool for big brother
A new satellite can peer in house day or night by using radar, and that thing is one of the most frightening advantages in radar technology. The new high accurate radars have fundamental abilities. They can hear the speech of people from the orbiting trajectory. The system uses the same method that the laser microphone uses. The eavesdropping is done by measuring the vibration of the walls of glass.
The image above is taken by using the most modern radar satellite, and that kind of system would be revolutionary if the SWAT-team advantage at that area is wanted to observe. The members of the tac-team would carry transponder locators the controllers of the operation can see their location. And that locator can install to the radios, what those people use.
The radars can use a radio-spectrometer and measure the molecules from great distances. And that means that the new high accurate radars can get data, which is impossible to get in the past. But the new quantum and plasma radars can see more things than the regular radars can ever do. And what is the quantum or plasma radar? Those radars are speculative systems, but who knows how far the development of the radars is.
The idea is that even if the stealth aircraft cannot itself cannot observe the movement of air molecules around its body can measure by using radar. But the separation of those air molecules is difficult to make by using regular or traditional radars.
The plasma radar creates the plasma layer in the targeted area. And then the radar observes the movement of plasma.
The plasma radar can scan the layers from a long distance. But the plasma cloud that is formed at the targeted point also interacts with magnetic fields. And that means that the radar can see the data, what travels in the wire. If the accuracy of the system is high enough the system can also detect the changes in the electric actions of the nervous system. So the next generation radars can even read thoughts.
The plasma radar is the radar that is using some medium particles to break STEALTH aircraft protection. The idea is that the radar is making a plasma cloud in the air. Then the system sees how the plasma cloud is interacting, and that kind of system can be fundamental. The stealth aircraft would interact with the plasma cloud, and then the movements of the plasma would uncover the position of the stealth aircraft even if the stealth layer would absorb all radio signals.
The plasma and quantum radars are almost similar systems. The fact is that quantum radar is the term that means many different types of new systems. The quantum radar uses the technology where atoms are put in the chain, and the system is like brushing the area. But that system is very difficult to make. The other systems use the electrons that are like jumping over the layer, and the electrons would send extremely short wave radiation, which can hack the stealth core.
One of the most promising systems of anti-stealth radars is the plasma-systems, which are using the plasma-interaction between radar and the layer that is under observation. The plasma or gas ions can move over the layer by using radio waves. The radar is observing the distance of ions from it. And the fact is that theoretically, this kind of system can use as the long-distance version of the scanning tunneling microscope.
By using this kind of system the radars can see many more things than ever before. The plasma-layer that moves on the layer sees things like changes in electric fields. Those systems can detect the data in the wire. And they can even read the changes in the electric fields of the nervous system. And the satellite can in theory read the thoughts of the people. But that thing requires extremely high accuracy of the radar.
Quantium radar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_radar
image: https://www.sott.net/article/445887-A-new-toy-for-Big-Brother-This-satellite-can-peer-inside-buildings-day-or-night
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