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What if the Dark Matter does not exist?
The dark matter is the matter, that interacts with gravity. And nobody has seen that material yet. So what if it does not exist? The counter-question is why the universe is too heavy? So a better way of saying that the form of dark matter is somehow different than other material.
And that is the reason why we cannot see that thing. When we are thinking about dark matter, we must notice that energy is one of the forms of material. So is it possible that some particles are just weighing too much?
Let me explain why dark matter can only be the state of matter what has too high an energy load. The thing is that the universe is full of energy. The electromagnetic radiation like radio- and microwaves, visible light and X- and gamma rays. Along with magnetic fields, those things are affecting the material. The fact is that the energy cannot vanish, it can just change its form or transfer to some particle.
MOND-theory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modified_Newtonian_dynamics
There are theories, that are trying to explain the dark matter and connect it with dark energy. So could that theory, what connects dark matter and dark energy found someday?
A)A couple of theories about dark matter or rather saying the form of dark material.
1) The dark matter could be the matter what has too high an energy load
2) Or it can be the matter what hides in the wormhole.
B) A couple of theories about dark energy.
1) The dark energy could be the wave movement that wavelength is extremely long. The wave movement is the same thing as the movement of superstrings if we are thinking that wave movement is the movement of superstrings.
The idea is that the wavelength could be so long, that the wave movement turns straight. And that makes it hard to detect.
2) Dark energy is the energy of the fusion that happens when particles are impacting the wormhole. The fusion causes oscillation in the energy tunnels. And that energy is causing the energy level in the universe is higher than we expected. Because the energy level is higher, the weight of the universe is higher than we expect.
C)Is Dark Energy the exploding nano-size black holes, what is smaller than quarks?
And in one of the most fundamental theories, what are connecting the dark material to dark energy the form of the dark matter is introduced as the quantum-size black holes. So when the quantum size black holes are forming, they can pull the energy in them. Sooner or later the black holes, which are smaller than quarks are exploding.
Then the energy that is stored in the black hole increases its mass. And the explosions that are sending the energy load through the universe would be higher than the mass of the original black hole. So that means dark energy is the energy, that has so short a wavelength that we cannot receive it because we cannot make an antenna, that can detect that radiation.
The radiation of the universe has interacted with material from the Big Bang and that means the weight of the particles between galaxies and galaxy groups could be heavier than we expect?
The energy interacts with material and the high energy load can turn every particle in the universe into a black hole. Even if the effect of the radiation or electromagnetic interaction is minimum, the particle that has flown in the universe from its birth can have more weight than we even expect. The increasing of the energy load is increasing the weight of the particle.
Is Dark Matter the matter, what hides in Wormholes, the energy tunnel, what travels through the time and dimension? Is dark energy the result of fusion that happens in the wormhole (Einstein-Rose bridge)?
Or maybe the dark matter is the matter, what is traveling in the wormholes or Einstein-Rose bridge. In that energy tunnel, the material would have an extremely high level of kinetic energy. So is the wormhole the answer for kinetic energy?
And if we are thinking that the wormhole would answer the question about dark energy and dark material, there is a possibility that black holes are pulling the material in the wormhole from both sides. The material would then face in the middle of that energy channel, and then there would form the fusion.
The fusion would cause radiation, which cannot escape from the black hole or the energy bridge. So when the fusion would happen in that tunnel, it would affect the universe because of the quantum tunneling or it causes the oscillation in the wormhole.
So what is dark energy?
The idea is that the wave movement of energy is the movement of the superstring. So could the dark energy be the straight superstring? Or the wave movement, where the wavelength is so long (over light-years), that the observation of it is impossible.
The dark matter is the material, that has too high an energy load. The energy load is causing that the material is too heavy. So what is dark energy? Maybe it's just the straight wave movement. But what moves in the wave movement? There is the theory that the wave movement is only the moving superstring.
When the energy or the wave movement is traveling in the universe we know that the wave movement is going longer until it reaches the stable form. Or the wavelength of the wave movement is turning so long, that we cannot notice those waves, which might be even millions of lightyears long.
That means the energy exists in the form of wave movement, but we cannot just measure it, because its wavelength is too long. And in this case, the traveling wave movement or traveling superstring is moving outside the point, where the energy is released. And that thing causes the expansion of the universe.
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