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Moai statues and eugenics.
One theory of "Moai-statues" is that those things would allow the "holy men" to communicate with the creatures of the fourth dimension. In some other theories, the Moais are showing the water places of the Eastern island. But the problem is where the original creators used those statues? Were they used in rituals for what purpose was to select the leaders or "the most capable people for the society?
Who believes who doesn't that's the same. But when we are thinking of the form of those statues and especially their "red stone hats" there is a possibility that those statues would use as the selecting the "most capable persons" from the community. In that theory, the "Moai" must pull to a certain place by the crews of some canoes. And when the statue was in a certain place the people should put the hat on the head. If that thing was successful, the ritual is done and accepted.
But if the work would not be accepted those people should practice harder. The people who were able to put the red hat on the statue would have a position as the captain of the canoe says this theory. And of course, if the persons were able to put the statue on the head of the statue, they would be allowed to spend the night with "the most capable women". So in this theory, those statues use in rituals, which made it possible to select the most capable individuals from society.
In some other eugenics theories about Eastern island and Moais were noticed that the other side of people, who lived on that island had long ears and the other had short ears. Then those populations were not allowed to make children or cross the line. Then they will be degenerate, and people who controlled that process metered the people and decide when the time was right. And then those pure lines genetic entireties would connect what means the result of this brutal process would be the "superhuman".
Image I: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moai
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Were those "Moais" connected with the ancient "Boltzmann's brain" research?
Would the person, who grows in the cave without outer stimulation become the "Boltzmann brain"? Were those "Moais" connected with the ancient "Boltzmann's brain" research? There has been an introduced hypothesis that the children would grow in places, where their instructors would give them only space or technical books for reading. Would they become the geniuses of technology or space science?
That means that even those people would not use the term "Boltzmann's brain" they would grow children in an environment where is the minimum level of stimulation. And they can give the image for those people, and wait what kind of things their brains will process about that thing. So in that case the awakeness of those people would form in the environment where all data can control.
So during that process was the ritual, where people would walk on the flaming carbon, and in that case, the carbon was spice with sodium nitrate, which makes the flame so hot, that it turned those people to ash. And that brutal and inhumane thing allowed that the children would not get other data, what those people who control the process would give.
Eugenics is not new science, and if persons would grow in places like Eastern islands they would have minimum nervous stimulations. That means that those people would be like "Boltzmann's brain". They would have only the data, what the other people would want to give, and then they might create their ideas of the thing like birds.
Boltzmann brain: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boltzmann_brain
Image II: http://nautil.us/blog/can-many_worlds-theory-rescue-us-from-boltzmann-brains
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