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Hieronymus Bosch and his apocalyptic visions


Hieronymus Bosch (c.1450-1516)
Posthumous portrait (C.1516)

Hieronymus Bosch and his apocalyptic visions

Apocalyptic paintings 

Hieronymus Bosch (c.1450-19516) (aka Jheronimus Bosch, Jheronimus van Aken) was a Dutch painter, who was living at the same time with Leonardo da Vinci. When we are thinking about the name of that painter, he might also use the name "Jeremias", when he talked with people. But when we are seeing the painting, what is probably a self-portrait, we might see that he might be somehow handicapped. That means this famous and incredible painter could be autistic. 

The Garden of Earthly Delights:
Hieronymus Bosch

Bosch ever made a signature in his paintings, and that means some of his paintings were ever connected to him, and the reason for that might be that he painted most of the religious themes. So the reason for that thing might be that he was afraid that the religious themes caused problems for him, and that was the reason, why he ever made signatures in his paintings. There is made many types of analysis of his paintings. Some of those paintings are cryptic, which means that every character like an "elephant king" has a paired creature in the real world. 

And when some spies tell about the things, what they master want to know, the spymaster would mask or cover the reports to the stories are told about the paintings. The reason why people believe that Bosch was a little bit disturbing is the painting named Triumph of Death. The real painter of that painting is a person named Pieter Bruegel the Elder. There is a possibility that both painters changed their names after they painted those "little bit different" versions of religious paintings. 

Hieronymus Bosch:

The Garden of Earthly Delights:

"Triumph of Death"

Could there be a hint of brainwashing in this painting? "Triumph of Death" by Pieter Brugel the Elder. 

Sometimes people think that this painting "Triumph of Death" is painted by Hieronymus Bosch. The real painter of this painting is the artist named Pieter Bruegel The Elder born c.ā€‰1525ā€“1530-1569 (age 39-44) and it was finished in the year c. 1562. He made that painting a couple of years and it's shockingly good. The fact is that sometimes that painting is introduced as the work of Hieronymus Bosch, but the painter is Pieter Buerger. The style of the painting is similar to what Hieronymus Bosch used. There is a possibility that Pieter Bruegel the Elder just changed his name after this painting because it's a little bit different than normal paintings. 

So there is a possibility that Bruegel could paint it by following the instructions, what were left by Hieronymus Bosch after his death. Sometimes is claimed that Bosch painted it. But it was too rough to the walls.  So that painting put to the name of Bruegel, or maybe Bosch was the teacher for the teacher of Bruegel or Bruegel got his inspirations from the works of Bosch. But there is no confirmation of that story. And that's why Bruegel has been mentioned to paint that painting. 

And some people thought that he visioned things like the holocaust and robot weapons in his paintings. But there is one little thing, what that person might want to tell people, and that thing is connected to one of the most exotic and someway disturbing paintings in history. Many of his paintings that portrayed groups were three partial, and that thing means that if a person takes two of the first, that means that the person must take the last one too. 

And when we are looking at the famous apocalyptic painting "Triumph of Death", where skeletons are attacking the beach sword in their hands, we must realize that there is a one really interesting connection. The thing is that when people would go in the corridor, they seem to transform those skeletons. So is that the thing, what mentions the brainwashing. But the remarkable detail is that this particular painting is a little bit too disturbing. Does this mean that it would be meant to show to nobody? 

When we are starting to look at the beach, we must realize that it is the side, where the British isles would be. But the strange detail is the Viking-house looking structure in the middle of the painting. So could that mean that the painting portraits some beach at Nova Scotia or somewhere else in the new world? 


Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

Triumph of Death:


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