Without particles and quantum fields, there would not very difficult to cross the speed of the light.
Without particles and quantum fields, there would not very difficult to cross the speed of the light.
In the beginning, I'd like to introduce one of the most extraordinary ways to transport data. The thing bases the idea that the quantum size black holes can form the wormhole or at least send the x-ray radiation between them. And if there is one black hole, what would move through the wormhole that thing makes it possible to send the "morse-marks" or bytes by using the wormhole.
The thing is that qubit could be the same structure that is repeating and in this case, the system would look like a guitar. In the image is the simple model of this kind of qubit. But there could be the other data channels side by side endlessly.
But how to make that thing? The answer would be that the four black holes would put in the form of the cross, and one black hole is moving between those energy channels. That thing bases the idea that the size of the black holes can be adjusted by pumping the energy to them.
So the two back holes would be put stronger one after the other, and that moves the one black hole between them. And when the energy pumping would be ended the black hole vaporization would cause that the mass of the black hole will be decreasing. That thing will make it possible to adjust the placement of the black hole by adjusting the size of the two black holes.
The thing that might interest people about the speed of the light and tachyon theory is that there is one way to cross the speed of the light, and that thing is to remove the quantum field. Without the quantum fields, the speed of the particle would have no limit, because the energy would not transfer to the quantum field of the particles around the object. So if we would create the absolute vacuum, the jump to the "hyperspace" would be possible.
And in this text term "hyperspace" means tachyon universe, where all particles are traveling faster than the speed of the light. So if the quantum fields would cause that the cosmic speed limit is the 299 792 458 m/s, there is a possibility to send the electron inside the power fields of atoms, but that thing requires that atoms must touch each other.
There would open the hole in the energy field of the atom, which causes that photon or electron would travel inside the quantum field. The thing that makes this thing very hard to make is that the atoms or their power fields must touch each other and the port between the atoms must open at the right moment.
So if this would be possible. That thing makes it possible to transport photons or electrons in the electromagnetic field. The other way is just to send the energy to the electromagnetic fields of the atom. And the oscillation of those fields would transfer to other fields that are in the same row of the atoms.
And if we would use the plus and minus ions, that kind of data transporter would be possible to make. In that case, the creators of that thing would make the line by using the Naāŗ and Clā» ions. This kind of extremely interesting quantum data transportation cable could be the line of the salt, but the ions are in the row, which makes it possible to make the quantum version of the microchannel.
But why the qubit should travel as fast as possible? The answer is that qubit is more vulnerable than a normal bit, and if the time what qubit uses in data transportation is minimum, the possibility to damage the data is minimum.
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