Gleiwitz incident, the origin of the "False flag theories" and beginning of the Second World War
Gleiwitz incident one day before the Second World war(1) was the case, that was made by "SS-Sonderkommando" on 31 August 1939. The idea was simple, just give Nazi-Germany the internal political reason to attack Germany. So the SS framed the attack to the radio station under the command of SS-StandarterfĆ¼hrer (Major) Alfred Naujocks(2).
In that incident, the concentration camp prisoners, who dressed in Polish uniforms played Polish troops and made the fake attack against the radio station. Before that attack, those prisoners got the deadly injection. And during that operation, the SS shot all of those prisoners. The idea was that this operation was given the reason for attacking Poland.
The war started on September 1, 1939, and that thing caused the beginning of WWII. The thing is that this small incident, what mission was to plan a great role in the propaganda, but what is somehow forgotten in history is the "father of all "false flag operations". And it is still an important example of the thing, what is called "dirty trick". In those operations, the plainclothes troops, what are portraying enemies are playing the attack.
And give a reason for the military actions. Here I must say, that the Gleiwitz incident is not only a false flag operation, what is ensured, but during the WWII German and Allied agents and commandos wear sometimes enemy uniforms in their missions. Soviets made their version of that thing before the Winter War of Finland(3) in 1939, and that case is known as "Shelling of Mainila" (Finnish: Mainilan laukaukset)(4). The purpose of those shots was to justify Stalin's invasion against Finland
There are many theories like Pearl Harbor was some kind of "false flag operation", and the evidence is told to be, that the aircraft carriers were at the sea exercises, when Japanese aircraft attacked on December 6, 1941, to Pearl Harbor. But that theory has been knocked out.
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