Why reality transform in brains?
When we are taking a closer look at axons the twigs of neurons, we are seeing that there are layers, what are handling data with different speeds, and this causes the effect that data transforms in the brains. When the signal moves in the inner layer or the layer, what has been reserved for the emergency signals, that thing causes that other layers, what are reserved for the slow signals are "listening" that signal.
That means that the emergency data would transfer also to the layers, where data travels slower, and those layers are also very important for thinking and creativity processes. When data is traveling slow, the other neurons would remove or increase things to that data, and this is why the brains can process data, what travels in it.
And that thing causes that the thing, what has been clear would start to live and transforming to another thing. Between axons is the synapse hole and the reason for that hole is that it denies the virus infection sprawling in the nervous system. If the virus infects some neurons, the virus must jump over the synapse before it can suffuse to other neurons.
So this is the thing, that we are calling thinking. And then we might wonder, why little children are better in memory games, where the cards are on the table and the players must find couples for the cards. The reason is that the brains of small children are forming neural connections fast. But there is something else in that process. The thing is that in the brains of small children are so few experiences and memories, that the right connections are finding very easily.
Sometimes I have thought, what will happen if we would sit in the room all of our life, and the only thing, that we could is the memory game. What kind of results we would get if we would use sensory adaptation, where the only experience that a person would get is the memory game? Would that thing make us the masters of the card game?
But there is one thing, what we don't often think and that is that brains don't even learn things, what are not necessary. Our brains are made to protect the huntsman-collector against beasts and find the food. And that means that brains are remembering common things that are 3-dimensional. They are good in the inaccurate data handling process, but details like passwords and names are hard to remember. The thing is that brains remember 3D-object better than 2D-objects because any image is a threat to humans.
Every animal and visible object in nature is the three dimensional and protecting against them doesn't need very accurate thinking. The thing, what person must know is the form of the creature, and then the brains make decisions, does the creature be neutral, or is it food, and should it be killed. This thing requires that the brains are making a connection between the brain areas, what are handling neural impulses, which are coming from the optic nerve and the memory cells, what is offering the solution for the case, where human sees some animal.
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