The thing what we are thinking about reality
At the beginning of the universe were two types of particles, gas, and black holes, what pulled material around them. Those black holes what were surrounded the molecular and atomic transition disks formed when the interstellar nebulas were collapsed straight to black holes. In those protogalaxies were no stars at all or they were giant blue stars, which lived an extremely short time.
If we are thinking that the great thing like the universe might live a long long time, we are forgetting that we know the destiny of that thing. Sooner or later the last star has been used all its fuel, and the last black hole would be vaporized. So we know the fate of this giant star cluster, and when we are looking at things like living organisms we know their fate when we are seeing them. This is one of the biggest things, that we always face when we are seeing the material. When the outer energy ends, the material starts to break.
And this means that sooner or later the material would turn to form, where it is stable. When we are looking at the entirety of the universe and is expanding, we are facing things, that the material would turn thinner and thinner. The mass of material in the entire universe is stable. That means that in the bubble, what we are calling as "universe" has a certain number of atoms, and other particles, which are forming planets, stars, and molecular nebulas.
Black Holes are pulling the material inside them, and then the material would transfer to some other place or it remains in the black hole. If the material would stay in the black hole, that means that it exists. But those particles cannot use for making stars. And the material exists but its unable to see or touch.
When the bubble is expanding, the number of atoms in a certain space is decreasing, which means that the atoms have greater distances. And when the black holes between galaxies are starting to form a new galaxy, that causes that the molecular nebula around it turns smaller, when the universe is expanding.
An only black hole that is between the galaxies can form a new galaxy. Otherwise, the force of the galaxy is pulling material away from it. The remarkable thing is that decreasing the interference level is increasing the size of the transition disk of the black hole, and galaxies are giant transition disks.
The expanding of the universe began in the big bang and that thing continues even today, but then we must see that the big bang has been given punch for the material. That push is like a cannon shot, it happened only once.
When the galaxies are traveling in the space, they would face the gravity and radiation, what comes from the other galaxies. The thing is that also stars what are in the star cluster are interacting together, which means that the giant forces inside the galaxies are pushing the stars away from each other, and the gravity also pulls those objects together.
And when we are looking at this kind of interaction the interaction between galaxies is similar to the interaction between stars inside it, but the scale is bigger, and sometimes the gravity between galaxies is winning. So the entire galaxy is in the interaction between other galaxies, and that thing has caused very interesting questions. One of them has been are the galaxies sometimes been in the same way.
That means that the galaxies would be nicely set in the way, that the black holes in their center are pushing the jets nicely in the direction where the big bang happened. Someday at the beginning of the universe galaxies have been in that direction. But then asymmetry in the gravity effect between the galaxies has been caused that the direction of the galaxies has been turned.
The asymmetry that has been caused the galaxies are turning to the different directions has been resulting that the forming of the galaxies didn't happen at the same time or the same point. Some galaxies formed farther away from the point of the big bang and that thing caused that there was an asymmetry in gravity. And that thing caused disappointment for Edwin Hubble, who wanted to determine the direction of the galaxies and find the point, where the big bang has happened.
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